Mädel Kommt Mit

Eins, Zwei Mädel!

Tonight at The Party we are announcing that Freundin is learning German. She understood enough when once I said to her: Komm her! and to me she came, so I imagine she won’t have a real problem learning the language fluently.

When confronted with the Hun, I strongly doubt anyone here will have the courage to stand up when she goes, even though she’s English. The Hun is the only person who ever stood by her and was willing to do all she ever asked.

Here is tonight’s Party tune.

Die Wirtschaft

The expert in economic recipes and how to serve, she is the person who can connect the kitchen to the tables where people expect to dine well in a deserving ambient. Sadly her skills were turned down here, those in command went running after their own gods and idols, they sent the economy onto the rocks and smashed it up. Where Mädel would have placed a candle on each table in sign of humble recognition and thanksgiving to the High City, they placed bags of petrodollars, and brown envelopes passed there where unholy deals were made between hands under the table!

Saddened at how they despised her goodness, I offered her a better future, one where she can hope to be respected, a place where the City’s tentacles do not reach and rascals cannot desecrate the place with their arrogant, self-serving and cheating schemes.


Alien Idols

Years of megalomania coming from the City-uk circles together with their banking barons over here, and from the EU commissars over there, have bankrupted societies, and none of this can be attributed to Mädel. She has no record of insane projects, nor will she ever lend herself to other people’s decrepit schemes. They kept their idols who they served, and I kept Mädel, and because she trusts me, she came to me!


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