On Having Researched in Italy
The British claimed Angela never worked in Italy.
Angela Needs to Return
In recent Party pages I have presented Angela’s contacts with the Italian spiritual Mother going back to the days when we rented a villa in Liguria. The British claimed none of this was true and introduced Moloch instead.
Knowing that Moloch, after being apprehended in Germany, was crucified in England by order of the German Mother, the Italian Lady doesn’t want that entity back.
Instead she requires that one day Angela return with her brother to Italy to continue her research into the foundations of the Italian national church, something she had managed to start in Italy years ago. Only, at that time the Italians chose to hide away her completed texts and work-offers and instead sold out to Britain.
According to Spiritual Calendar
First, of-course, die Hunnin must return to Germany, arriving directly from Mexico where she is currently hiding from the British. Then she can start dedicating herself there to the German national church, excavating down to its origins. The Italian Lady made clear she is in perfect alliance with her German spiritual Sister within the association of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity and that the German Church comes first on Angela’s spiritual calendar.
This means the British don’t get to holding Italy to ransom promising to hand over research they claim comes from agents, not least because Angela doesn’t work through an agency and couldn’t carry out her Italian studies in England anyway.
It’s also obvious that she could never even start without first having an Italian state contract that enables her brother to fund her. It also implies that Moloch, having been crucified in England, cannot be re-exported to Italy in an attempt at replacing Angela. The Italians have to decide who they want to believe, Angela, or the Antichrist who is trying to take her place.
Prevailing Alliance
Ever since Angela came back the last time from Serbia, she only ever worked within the context of an alliance. She knows that every national church needs to be sovereign, yet each united within the same Faith.
In our last Party edition The Germans, the Italians and the Trojan Horse, I wrote: “Only British fools could have sacrificed the Fair Lady’s alliance and tried changing it with something else”. The alliance referred to was the one with Mexico which the British replaced with the 42 months of 10 Downing Street.
When the time ran out, the Mexican Lady officially declared the alliance as being ended, I the Hun present as a witness on behalf of la Santa Madre de Mexico. They chose their queen over everything, forsook the Fair Lady and inherited accordingly.
Thirty Pounds
Knowing full well that the Italian state had tried betraying her national church to the British establishment in return for what would amount to thirty silver pieces, during a recent communion centred in Italy the Italiana was talking to me while holding thirty pounds in her hand.
After then praising my qualities – referring to my resistance to the British, she sent me on to a place in Italy where I was given further insight concerning her national church, but with the condition that it be researched and presented after Angela has returned to Germany, for she must work there first.
The people who betrayed the Italian spiritual Mother and her church to the British are those who, years ago, let in the Antichrist to knock Angela down. It was this very act that had become object of a legal case in the High City as was shown me in a separate communion before Angela departed from Italy for England. During this event, a lawyer showed me some written papers with legal value.
Here our Party presentation.
Judas Iscariot
On Party files the case is as follows: the British cheated from the start when declaring Angela had never worked in Italy and they had the permission of Italian state-actors to do so but not Angela’s permission. It was illegal as far as the Italian Mother is concerned and the case presented in the High Tribunal eventually turned in her favour, simultaneously to the cause of the German Lady prevailing in Mexico after the collapse of the alliance there with the Fair Lady.
That which Italian state agents tried trading away to Britain is a treasure the Italian Mother is not going to part with, regardless what they were offered in return, such as support for the Italian self-proclaimed founding fathers of Europe, NATO expansion or a union with the Byzantine Empire – none of which the Italian Mother wants.
Angela knows that a national church needs to be researched and presented as of its historical origins, that is, when the Gospel came over to a nation. She had completed her work for the English, and also for the Scots – in this latter case as far as was allowed, and yet the British state again claimed even this time: it simply isn’t true!
Cheating all the time and always calling Angela a liar, and betraying the Fair Lady while causing her alliance to fall, the British establishment has no justification, and the official response of the Italian spiritual Mother to them is, as she showed me the other day, a stamp with £30 face value. That is what the British offered in order to claim Angela has never carried out research in Italy and never sought an official contract there, and they could only do this because the Italian state sold out to them.
Betrayal Exposed
Clearly, a group of people in Italy made a contract with the British equating to thirty silver pieces. They are the ones who allowed Angela to be knocked over, and being her brother with duty of care towards her, I require they be exposed along with their nefarious deed and prevented from continuing it.
To this day I am still very surprised that no-one in Italy has ever contacted me concerning Angela’s proposals for work that were made many years ago – in Italy.
They cannot deny having made a Thirty Pound Contract with the British without passing the Italian Lady off as a liar. They exchanged the Holy Mother of the Italians with the queen of the British. Only, whereas the latter passed away, the Italiana didn’t, and now it’s time for the Italian state to look into this and sort the matter out.
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