EUexit: The European Union’s Exit From Europe

In today’s page The Party will be looking at the end of the European Union in Europe.

What We Know So Far

The process depends entirely on how long it takes Freundin to complete the bankruptcy procedures of Germany’s economy, however for now we can safely state that once Germany’s pension payments are no longer used to fund eastern European countries by way of ‘EU net contributions’, the European Union Empire should collapse in pretty short order.

As it stands now, twenty years of systematic disinvestment of public funds from the German economy and the transfer of these monies to eastern Europe for free, has left State financial liabilities towards pension payments in a dire situation.

Oftentimes Berlin’s successive governments have found the need to borrow the money to pay for these one-way-ticket financial transfers to maintain other European countries at German public expense, meaning the country’s economy incurred a very large public debt that cannot be serviced by conventional means.

Let Us Do It Again”

The same parties that orchestrated the downfall of the German economy in the 1920s and early 1930s are demanding that people still vote for them, but the trouble with their expectations is that it’s not possible to ‘do it again’. To explain this in simple terms, they already have!

After the First World War, foreign powers to whom the German government surrendered imposed the Versailles Treaty and compliant successive governments kept paying up all the way until around 1932-1933, by which time the economy had hit the rocks and their merry-go-round came to an end when the nation, by way of its majority, refused to vote for them again.

Similarly, these same political parties, sometimes going by different names*, around twenty-five years ago pushed through their European-Union-Empire expansion scheme, and to fund it they imposed on Germany EU net contributions as an equivalent of the Versailles Treaty. And this is exactly what they ‘did again’.

*The original parties in circulation in the period of the Weimar Republic that wrecked the country are also present today in the corridors of power, different only in name, including Zentrum and KPD.

The Aftermath

The consequence is manifest: the economy saw its own hard-worked-for funds being systematically taken out and handed over to foreign countries for free, and now that it’s collapsing, once again the circus has to make an announcement: Midnight has come, you have completely ruined our merry-go-round by sending elephants onto it, it’s totally broken, the lights are going out, you have to vacate the premises!

Clearly we can see that these political parties compliant to foreign powers have broken the economy again and are in no position to ‘destroy another time’ what they have already taken to pieces and smashed up.

Let’s say, the motto: Please vote for us and let us do it again applied twenty-five years ago, people voted for them and they wrecked both economy and finances, and now the course is over – there is nothing left to smash.

OK, Let’s Go to War Then!”

With genocidal birth rates in Europe ranging from 1.1 to 1.3 and the median age of the German population passing from 39 in the year 2000 to 45 in 2024 (in 1970 the average age was 23), the political party system has assured through NATO membership the prospect of a world war against Russia.

Having not much left to offer by way of pension payments that were promised in the name of ‘EU paradise on Earth’ some twenty to thirty years ago, they have opted to offer ‘secure bunkers’ against aerial attacks and incoming tank regiments followed by infantry, and all this in order to ‘save the EU and NATO’.

Whereas most people think in circles, the Hun reasons in straight lines and will say it as it is: Germany’s membership of NATO is a direct result of the Adenauer regime that was imposed starting in 1945 when foreign armies marched through Germany. Accordingly, foreign powers are telling Germany to go to war against Russia in the name of NATO expansion, and this doesn’t bode well.

Knocked Out by ‘Friendly Fire’

At the time when Angela was in Italy, the EU Empire presumed to have got rid of the Serbian Mother and Child of Valjevo, but my sister assured me they were wrong and so too did the Serbian Mother in Person*. As time passed the people running the agenda in Germany, Italy and Britain came to realise that they had in fact inflicted ecclesial ruination on the Italian Mother and on what could have been the presentation of Her national Church going by its origins – this presentation being made both in Italy and in Italian.

May-be they are full of remorse now, I don’t know, all I know is that Angela fled to Mexico and her brother was declared dead, defunct and gone.

Anyway, in our last Party publication Sie werden ihr blaues Wunder erleben!, I wrote: “Freundin from Germany contacted me, we spoke together and she made it clear that my stay next door to England is transitory and the reason I’m here is in preparation of departing for Germany. Nothing else!”.

*A precondition to Angela’s future research into the Church Under the Full Moon is the introduction I will be writing to it on the encounter between Serbian Mother and German Mother.

An EU Masterpiece

It’s a crying shame they wasted away Angela’s knowledge of Italian along with her good will and also caused her brother to consider his own grasp of Italian as being redundant, unwanted and a useless waste of space. But that’s how far EU commissars and the State institutions and governments that placed them in power and who write out the script for them, were prepared to go – namely to the bitter end.

What counts now is that one day a future German Government contacts me in the transit room and in so doing allows me in turn to open the gates to Angela.

Previously I already stated that the lady they sent at me in the street in England from Germany, blocking me and sounding off about the British police and Winston Churchill and then suddenly saying in a well-rehearsed manner with glazed eyes: “I don’t know what you are trying to tell me!”, should have presented an official written note from the German government. It was cowardly not to do so and I won’t accept any such unwritten responses that can easily be denied, these being void of official validation.

Once the keys arrive in a 24 hour briefcase along with the travel documents and the gold bars, the deeds and the written contract stamped and signed, I can leave, and then, when all is set up and ready, I’ll go meet Angela at the station when she turns up from Mexico, and together we’ll be riding through the Rhine countryside, she sitting to my left with a satchel on her lap containing ink, wax, pens and crayons and looking out of the window smiling.

Here is today’s Party tune for the record!


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