Rome, Constantinople and What?

Before arriving in England, Angela was already aware that both Hellas and Italy had spiritual treasures that lie beyond Constantinople and Rome.

The Foundations

These treasures are the original ecclesiastic foundations concerning respectively the Greeks and the Italians, and discovering these is essential in rendering honour to the High Priest, Jesus Son of God, who has been working at the spiritual Altar ever since ascending to Heaven some forty days following the Resurrection.

The true foundations on which the ecclesiastic structure rests cannot be possessed by the powers that be and hidden in dark corners while they, in the name of their human empires, perpetuate their schemes to replace the Reign of God and sacrifice the divine Child of any nation.

Constantinople: an Error of Calculation

Many years ago, following our last return to Serbia at Easter going by the Orthodox calendar, and after we had returned to Italy, both Angela and her brother were aware that the Greek Church has its origins long before the foundation of Constantinople. This detail of ecclesiastic history had been made known to me in communion and was in relation precisely to Angela. The event took place in the Aegean between the Greek mainland and the land of Turkey and involved the islands in the Aegean. On her part, sister got her info through her own spiritual contacts.

The precise details of what I was shown in this instance I don’t feel like revealing at this point in time: Schwester Hunnin is far away in Mexico and I think that in Italy they should only contemplate her absence as one of many nations and one that forsook its very own church. I’d rather go to a Greek island and write it from within a tavern!

Here is today’s Party musical presentation.

The Moscovia

When Ivan the Terrible and his successors made their claim to supremacy over Orthodoxy on the grounds that the fall of Rome and then of Constantinople, along with the Roman and Greek empires, left the Kremlin as the sole contender, their calculations were misplaced.

In fact, not only did the Byzantine city on the Bosphorus not represent the origins of the Greek Church, Rome too was not the place where the Italian ecclesia was founded, as Angela had tried teaching the Italians back then in Italy – her work however being then detracted and hidden in a shoebox by the church-Abortionist, the one who would later sell out for 30 pounds sterling.

As we can see, if the Italian and British establishments got hold of more and more information, they would only ever keep hiding it away and try manipulating the course of knowledge to fit into the shoebox of their own human agendas – to catastrophic effect.

As a result of their malefic actions, both Rome and Constantinople are still being presented as the two historical seats of ecclesiastic supremacy, this in turn leading to more historic misunderstandings being perpetuated, such as Moscow being the new Area Sacra and the new Golden Horn, two in one.

Раз, два, три, ми ще живі

In the Swamp opposite Italy they apparently sell national churches, so the British and the Italians can go there and try to purchase some: for the Welsh, for the Irish and for the Italians. Importantly, these people opposite Italy couldn’t sell the Greek Church, because Angela, who went from Greece to Serbia at Easter, said it wasn’t possible, the Resurrection not being for sale.

This is why my sister would like one day to return to Greece with her brother who made the Rainbow Transfer out of England after she left for Mexico to escape arrest. One, two, three, we’re alive!

A Diabolic Claim

A contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII claimed to be the founder of the church in England and styled himself as its head. It was Angela who, in England, later proved this claim to be erroneous, she having discovered that the English Church had been around some one thousand years before the advent of Henry Tidder. She traced its earliest origins back to King Ethelbert of Kent and his consort Bertha of the Merovingian dynasty.

Sister Hun stopped learning English on the day she presented in public her “foundations of the English Church” along with a “portrait of Fair Lady’s Church at light tower”. A pot of paint had come flying amid roars of laughter from the town’s notables, and later she was to turn down an offer to “study for an Eleven Plus if she went to a public school”. Instead of this, she only ever studied from home, preferring the private schooling she was accustomed to.

She had stated in public that the true King of the English is the same person who is the Leader and head of the English Church, namely Jesus, God’s Son, and this made her an Enemy of the State. Ah well, that’s too bad!

Public Domain

Before commencing her research into the English Church and later the Scottish, and almost immediately after arriving in England from Italy, my sister had shown me that the English and Scottish frames of her version of the union flag would be filled in, and this, she explained, meant that her work on these two churches, once accomplished, would go into public domain* because we had no work contract with the Establishment.

*I later published her work on the English and Scottish ecclesiastic origins, gradually and as it came, on some websites of mine which I set up mainly for that purpose.

No Public Domain

However, the two other frames, which were Welsh and Irish, would remain empty, meaning no work contract equals no research and therefore no public domain. It was in that same occasion that she declared: … and the Italian door cannot be opened in England! Sister’s contacts In High meant she was abiding to the rules of heavenly origin and preventing human agendas from hiding her work in shoeboxes under beds and taking over.

Similarly, in early 2022, the German Mother showed me in communion that the German Flag that Angela has to fill in is still white, albeit on a flagpole in the Land of the Rhine, signifying that the Rhine Church cannot be researched unless Angela first has a work contract at State level, again with the conclusion: no work contract equals no research and that means no public domain.

Defending the Greek Faith

Being aware that the Hellenic Ecclesia has its origins going back long before the foundation of Constantinople and that its spiritual seat is in heavenly Jerusalem, Angela always refused to have her history cancelled by those who kept claiming “she never did anything” and that “Serbia does not count”.

Her Serbian matrix from Valjevo connects the Serbian Church as of its origins to the Hellenic. And if she were to reach the foundations of the latter through future studies, it would definitely go well beyond the foundation of Emperor Constantine’s city. But because this collides with institutional boundaries, the powers that be solemnly decided to “shut her down”. Again, that’s too bad!

Angela’s last known act was that she ‘made a phone call to Greece’, spoke with the Greek Mother and crossed a spiritual bridge direction east-south-east to the Ionian Islands just west of the Greek mainland. Amen!


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