If the Rhine Dried Out …

If it came to be that the Rhine went without water, then it would be parched in Switzerland too.

Maps and Times

When Angela went to Serbia, her enemies waged War on her, yet she refused to surrender. Having established her domicile in Valjevo and taken up spiritual contact with the Serbian Mother and Child by way of the church there dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica, my sister was not going to surrender to the European Union ‘founding fathers of Europe’ who tried shutting her down the whole, entire time.

The geographical nature of the layout of the land as seen on the map and how die Hunnin made good use of it to avoid falling in the Swamp again, has been presented here. So too the time frame as seen on the calendar and how she returned to Serbia from Greece at Easter after passing through Bulgaria, and proceeded on to Valjevo.

Even after this, however, the people on the case tried humiliating Greece just as they had already humiliated Serbia in Belgrade. I remembered this, but even more so did Angela!

Don’t Mess With Huns!

They underestimated sister Hun, she will never surrender! But they also miscalculated her brother, he having the duty to care for his sister to help her carry through on – and defend – her own interests. When placed with his back to the wall, ultimately brother will listen to the one he has obligation of care to, and she will find a way forward owing to this.

We need to remember that, if they could, they would arrest Angela and lock her in a prison, because the diabolic urge within them leads these characters to believe they can imprison a person who they know has spiritual contacts they have no access to.

This is why I have to do my part in dealing with them and it’s one of the reasons my sister needs me. Her brother being a man who does not shy away from fighting back, she can trust me.

Here is today’s first Party presentation.

The Great Wall

While the German established political parties that were in government made a quest to reach the Forbidden City – competing all the way along the Silk Road with the Tory party of ‘the uk’ who also had a dream, one they styled: ‘the future era of golden prosperity’, and no doubt competing with many other industrialised countries following the same dream, the Chinese government recently decided to revive the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock markets.

The decision was made to change the banking rules on lending and investing monies, the hope being that people, financial institutions and perhaps even governments might decide to invest in Chinese shares. Of-course (so they thought in Berlin) this would ‘boost’, or ‘revive’ the German economy, which would see a ‘soft landing’, and, not only, would even come ‘bouncing back’, or shall we say, ‘roaring back’.

Ok! What happened is, the Chinese stock market lay flat along the lines: ‘let it rot!’. Good!


Recently, speaking by phone with Mädel, I reminded her that Angela has a schedule, and that when the biological clock runs out, it’s time to move on. When something is going on in Angela’s mind, her brother can detect this in her eyes, in the expression on her face, by the way she talks and the words she uses.

And so I explained that, based on what my sister has been telling me and how she’s been saying it, Angela is thinking of Greece and has taken up spiritual contact with the Greek Mother. Serbia happens to be the bridge between Hellas and Germany, specifically between the Greek Apostolic Ecclesia and the German Church, and the Faith which the Serbian Mother imparted unto my sister is the same which the Greek Lady holds to.

Freundin listened carefully, and I declared that if it takes too long to clear out the German Wirtschaft, and Italy already having opted for an Abortion, Angela, whose request to return to and study in Germany was turned down by the German State ever since 2018, might start looking in her calendar, comparing the dates and times of her work schedule, and come to the conclusion she has other work to do.

Thus my announcement: If the German State is just waiting for her brother to give up and pass away, Mädel, then the German Folk will go the same way the Italians went, and there is nothing which I can do about it any more.

A Skilled Person

Knowing Freundin’s skills and dedication, I will not try forcing her hand, pushing her into doing anything or rushing her, this not being in my nature. However it was necessary to let her know that, once all is said and done, when Angela has decided something, I will oblige and calibrate my own decisions accordingly.

If Angela is slipping away, it’s through no fault of her own but solely because they rejected her, whoever that happens to be who’s making these decisions – in Italy it was Judas Iscariot. In fact she told me long ago: When sister make request, brother go send writing words, he no beat about bush but give straight off hip. But no ever beg, brother! If they want humiliate sister, brother he walk away and not take fault!

Listening, Mädel got the message, and carefully thinking her words over, she replied: You shut down the English restaurant when you were in England. Now you are sitting in the transit room next door with a German train ticket to Switzerland. Germany isn’t going away, but those who opposed your sister Angela are!

Time to Go!

No time span was given by Freundin, only the assurance that those who financially bankrupted Germany over the past decades and, concerning the spiritual, tried trading off the Church of the Rhine that my sister wanted to work for, also have a schedule on the calendar.

The last schedule they have is registered in Mädel’s book and says: Bye now, the party’s over and it’s time you go. The exit’s over there, take your rod, your sack, sling it over your shoulder, and don’t forget your hat and coat when passing through the open door!

In a Language They Understand

In our next edition, I hope to get the communion event published which Angela asked me to write out in German as stated in our last print (it has already been written here on Party space some time ago but in English).

It’s my belief that, once written in German, she requires a no-excuse policy, contrary to the previous attitude of pretending not to understand what she is trying to tell them. Her last port of call in the realm of the spiritual was an island in the Ionian Sea, I guess it was Zakynthos, and so I think she’s telling me that if Mädel shouldn’t succeed in Germany, hermana has already prepared the script and it will be back to the drawing board.

It would sound something like: Very sorry, brother wanted get younger, he wait for hair become brown and get bushy, but they no want. Sister sad, find work for him in sunny land where he eat olives, get tan and order big meals in tavern. He get healthy, young and help sister do work.

Well it will be bye then!

Here’s our second Party song of the day.


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