English Mädel in England
Today’s Party publication is dedicated to Mädel, who asked me the other day to write an edition for her. She said: Remember me and my mum and dad!
In England
When sister and I got back to England after Serbia, I tried blending in to the English, not least because of Mädel. This became impossible because the council had gone to bed with their Italian mistress, and the lamppost people too were working for them. I was knocked out of every attempt to achieve anything in the local town, district, county, and the country of England altogether.
At the same time as coming on with Italian Illuminati and many eastern Europeans all the time, these jokers managed to hint something about the Welsh and the Irish, while always shutting the Hun out of society. Lastly, they told me I do not even exist.
The trouble with their fantasies is, I never had a contract with anyone to work for Italy, the eastern Europeans, the Irish or the Welsh – or for any nation. My sole duty was to help Angela work for the English Child and the Scottish. That was all. All expenses were from my own pocket, and no-one ever sought a contract for work concerning Angela’s studies and writing.
English Freundin
As we know, Mädel is going separately to Germany with Alexandra so soon as I have my special documents ready at the German embassy. The reasons they are travelling separately from me have been given in a recent publication. I’ll be travelling alone, and so too will Angela then be travelling alone from Mexico back to Germany, where we will all meet up.
Mädel wants to work for Sovereign England when she is in Germany, so she is planning a special relationship between Deutschen und Engländern that will be equal to the bond between the English spiritual Child and his German spiritual brother.
She always called herself English and I don’t recall her ever referring to herself as British, and I believe she couldn’t care less for empty spaces in Angela’s Union Flag. When my Freundin was turned down in 2017 and her offer was replicated with public insults, she took it very badly. Then they went and rubbished off all reference to Mexico, whereas Mädel had been really enthusiastic about a special relationship between England and the Mexicans.
Here is tonight’s Party tune.
Love Is Greater
For all that the Hun had enough and is just waiting to go, he would never forget who Mädel is and where she is from, and never would he hinder her in the quest to serve the English Folk to the best of her abilities.
Likewise, she has never said one harsh word against the Germans, she has never worn a poppy and never celebrated war against the German Folk. Mädel has always tended to my Wehrmacht uniform, washing it once a week and carefully ironing out the creases and steam-pressing the jacket using a clean white cloth to avoid wearing down the material.
While I will never understand how they managed to be fooled by the Italians into turning her down, it doesn’t really matter any more because the dice cannot be unrolled once they have fallen. All I need remember is that she is faithful to English Holy Mother and Child, and a mother wants to care for her own child, not dump him and run after the Italian founding fathers, their promiscuous marriage between many nations – see the Divorce Bill – and have to give all her belongings and earnings to their many throngs while her child is left abandoned.
Doing things contrary to nature is not in Mädel’s attitude or in her book of recipes, and this is why the German Mother offered her the place corresponding to her skills, loyalty and dignity.
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