From Colditz to England

Mistaking Sovereign England for Britain and Ireland can lead to critical misunderstandings. 

Lord Haw-Haw Transmits in England

Yesterday during the early afternoon hours, I was out walking with Alexandra in the hills discussing affairs. As we crossed over Western Heights, we exchanged some trivial banter whereby I was wondering whether Lord Haw Haw could have landed in England and started transmissions to Scotland while Churchill sat in Colditz with many ministers and officers as POWs.

I suggested the English Red Saint George House could have been a great place to do this and gave some details of the rooms I had seen there, calling one of them ‘the Repeater Station’. Lord Haw Haw could have told the Scots they had a uniform waiting at the mechanics in Leipzig and that the Wehrmacht was about to recycle POW uniforms to use as oil filters for Mercedes engines.

And so the banter had progressed from Colditz to England, and after giving some more descriptions on the things that went on there in the English House when, in three separate visions, the Thug had visited me after I had last seen him in early 2019, Alexandra suddenly stopped and looked at me, saying Explain that again!

The English Red Saint George House

Alexandra is the expert in interpreting communions and visions I have, so when I gave her the full details that previously I had considered irrelevant, she explained what they actually meant and told me to take note of them in the exact order and write out an article at The Party, which I am currently undertaking with today’s print.

So here goes:

While it was fully clear to me since before returning to England after Serbia that the Red Saint George House shown me in the vision was English only and was located in a place not far from where we used to live – maybe fifty metres, it so happens that the location was in the garden of the house where I moved to on returning.

Angela as we know was going back to private school, but when she came round the first time to see me, she exclaimed: that’s where the house is!. In fact, she too had been informed in her own way of this spiritual house she was to work for when researching the origins of the English Church, and she said it was no coincidence that I had moved into the very house whose garden is the area on which this Red House in the vision was located – even though I had thought it was by chance.

Hammer and Anvil in Wrong House

We have seen that this house, red from the outside, was freshly decorated and completely white inside on the night between the 31st August and 1st September 2019 when in the vision I joined Angela who had departed that same day for Mexico. Each and every room was English, and every corridor too, the entire house, in fact.

However, on his first return in a vision, the Thug had asked me to redecorate one of the rooms which he appeared to associate with being Scottish and was in dire need of repair. In the vision, the script required that I simply refuse to do what he asked, but only now has Alexandra managed to explain – the lapse in time is entirely mine not hers – that the Thug was in the wrong belief that the room in question was associated to Scotland. It wasn’t, as everything in the house was English only.

Here is tonight’s first party dance.

The Irish Loaf That Never Was

The second vision in this house concerned a person known as the Irish bus driver. Although the Thug’s presence was not so evident in this event, if even at all, it still had to do with being in that house. And it so happened that the Irish bus driver was hoping to bake a loaf of bread in an oven inside one of the rooms, and I told him that he would never succeed. He tried anyway and failed, and then I showed him the form for placing the dough in, which I had. Without that, the Irish loaf wasn’t getting anywhere!

The Welshman With Two Arms

In the third vision, the Thug was visibly present and asked me and a Welshman, known to me as Hook, who had one arm and a hand plus half an arm with no hand, to get a room inside the above-mentioned house in physical order starting with skirting boards and some such things to do with decorating.

In that occasion, the Thug had said If you work for me, I will pay you 160 pounds a day, and I ignored him.

Only, in this vision, the Welshman had a complete pair of arms and also two hands, and yet, even then, everything which he and I touched and tried placing on a wall would only come out as a mess. In fact I had said to the Welshman from the start that it was going to get nowhere and was laughing each time everything became a pig’s ear. Whether or not this had to do with my presence and the fact that I was pretending to help him, I know not, fact is he usually has one hand, but in this occasion he had a pair of hands of his own and still failed.

Could he have done better if I hadn’t been there lending a hand? To say it with Alexandra: No!

Here is tonight’s second party dance.

Not Their House

According to Alexandra, these details as to the ethnic identity of the persons present were extremely important, and she said it was good that it slipped out of my mouth as we had been talking, because the visions are from a period covering between around early 2020 and somewhere in 2021.

At the time I thought it was but a trivial matter that Hook had two complete arms and a pair of hands and I asked Alexandra Did it really matter?, and she replied Yes, it did! I looked at her with a sheepish grin, but Alexandra, who never gets angry with me, looked back with a smile on her face.

She explained they were in the wrong house, as it is English only.

The German House

At The Party we have given insight into the Hun’s communion experiences in the German House and the loving presence of the German Mother, the Serbian Mother and the English Mother in one or another house acquainted to me there.

In our last edition German Military Operation in England, under the chapter entitled Bugs, we wrote: “No, Angela does not work with the police, and the English Child did not join them either but made off to Germany to his spiritual brother”.

There are however a few more communion visions to be made known with reference to the Thug in England, and as I then also told Alexandra of these yesterday during our walk, she asked me to elaborate on them too, which will be part of our upcoming print.

Stay tuned to The Party for the next episode on how the Thug tried becoming the master of the house and was exposed for what he really is: a parasite trying to get paid for work which I take part in and do not claim as my own and which he does not take part in and cannot do, but wants to claim for his own while calling me a liar. 


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