From England Back to Switzerland
The German Swiss Lady assured the Hun She’d be seeing him again on the way back – but not to Italy.
Pas D’Argent, Pas de Suisses
In our recent publication Angela Matchmaker Arranges Marriages, The Party mentioned the German-Swiss Lady who “had shown me once that I would return from England deprived of any income in British currency, that She would be waiting to meet me again and I wouldn’t be heading to Italy”.
Having no money could only be the result of betrayal, and the High Swiss were not going to be part of the treachery or allow it to go ahead.
Here is tonight’s Party presentation.
This communion needs to be understood within the literal context in which it was presented not long before we returned from Italy to England following our last voyage to Serbia. The Swiss In High had foreknowledge of an attempt to cancel all reference to Angela after taking her work and to deport her with her brother secretly to Italy. From here we’d have been eventually landed on a beach across the Adriatic Sea to prove a point: that Angela was a nobody, her brother even less than that, and these characters had ‘given the Holy Spirit’ in return for entering Babylon.
Depriving brother and sister Huns of income was the only way to render this plan effective, because we’d have been unable to choose where to go and been without contact and without contract. Let us not forget that the Antichrist has the motivation to shut down all reference to the Fair Lady of the English Folk, to the English Church that Angela researched, to the English Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God.
An Unholy League
Having, from a spiritual perspective, already targeted Angela in Italy, he must have been in league with the Illuminati who in turn were sponsoring some statehood and EU-NATO membership along the Adriatic coast. Had they succeeded, all that die Hunnin did would have become a lie, and the lie – whereby it is possible to sell or trade off the Holy Spirit and with it the Holy Trinity – would have become a norm.
This would have been a back-and-forth operation with the Italian Illuminati at the centre, the Antichrist here on this side and some liars there on the other side.
But first they wanted to steal Angela’s work, and for this they needed to bug her – hence her departure to Mexico.
What the German-Swiss Lady showed me is that this nasty plan will fail because it will not carry across the Swiss border into Italy. Having certified our presence in Switzerland before we reached England – because we had to pass through Swiss territory, we were not going unobserved, and Switzerland was not going to become a transit for the Antichrist’s plan and that of the Illuminati and their clients over there who had betrayed Serbian Holy Mother and Child.
At Communion in Switzerland
In this vision, I was in Switzerland, and a guy resembling Mussolini appeared with some Italians from Italy and they were trying to stoke up the Swiss Italians. What happened then, according to Alexandra, is better omitted for now as it may not necessarily correspond to the Geneva Conventions. However, they were in civilian clothes and not uniform, and anyway, they were dealt with by the other Swiss. While personally I believe the High City applies different conventions to those of Geneva, Alexandra said to only delve on the supper that came later.
After this event in which the Swiss had formed a kind of wall with Italy, I was at supper with some Swiss people, and prominent among these were two Ladies, one German-Swiss and blonde, the other French-Swiss with dark hair. As we sat at table and ate, we also talked about matters, and I recall the first Lady agreeing with me, whereas the other with dark hair said politely: I have a different opinion.
After the supper, the German-Swiss Lady accompanied me to what appeared a boundary, and there She promised to wait for my return, showing me that one day I’d return from England with very little British money.
Later I did not want to believe this last part, but over time it became evident how right She was, having seen something I could not believe possible at that time many years ago. What I could not believe, is that the UK would betray the Fair Lady of the British Isles for whom Angela and I were going back to England in order to work.
Going to Bern
Not long after the Swiss Supper, in another spiritual event I saw the German-Swiss Lady showing a railway track to Bern, the journey there was fraught with sheer anxiety, and this had to do with Angela.
Those people who set up the trapdoor to Serbia lied and committed treachery, there was not a chance of Angela and her brother being dumped there with no money by their Italian patrons and the local authorities here!
It was an attempt to change everything Angela stands for and did with the opposite: everything she has demonstrated to be untrue. Such a situation could only come about where there is an alliance between different parties working together, these representing the Antichrist, the Illuminati and the ‘founding fathers’ of this, that and the other: all people who stand to lose a position if Angela succeeds, and therefore hell-bent on making her fail.
If Angela and her brother get to Bern, it means the German-Swiss Lady succeeded.
If we ended up penniless in Italy, we’d have lost! In that case, those who lied and betrayed would win. They only ever had one weapon: to lay a trap, to lie, to deny access to income in any way related to spiritual and intellectual work, to cheat, to bug, and to make fail.
Well when Angela returns to the Land of the Rhine, it will be from Mexico!
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