The Empress of Zion

The Fair Lady of the British Isles

While in England, Alexandra and Angela made sure that the Fair Lady received the title of Empress of Zion, and along with this the title of Empress of Caesarea by the Sea. This is how She was referred to on the Hun’s website following these specific indications.

The Lady with the Child is crowned in the Twelve Heavenly Stars, and The Party has mentioned that the Italian Illuminati ‘founding fathers of Europe’ had claimed these Twelve Stars for the European Union. Their father being Lucifer, they had also created a client state across the Adriatic Sea with the intention of making fail the Serbian Mother and Child – even at Easter!

Alien Infiltrators

At The Party we have explained that the local council imported Italian agents from the start and worked for them all the time, promising to do their bidding and to shut down all and every reference to Holy Mother and Child.

When Angela had originally wanted to work for the Church of each of the four nations of the British Isles, she was rubbished off by the local henchmen and women working for Whitehall and who just could not separate themselves from their Illuminati bedfellows with whom they consumed an unholy, promiscuous ‘marriage’. This is why two frames in Angela’s Union Jack remained empty, for they were not interested in the affairs of the Fair Lady and knew not how to remain within their own boundaries, instead consenting to alien interests and thus becoming party to a pantheon of human gods of Babylonian proportions.


However, the two frames that needed to be filled, were completed by Angela once her research had been carried out, and the other two could not have been filled in with colour unless – and until – her work for the first two frames had been officially recognised as binding.

This would have meant recognising Jesus, God’s Son, as the rightful King of the English Folk and accepting that Henry VIII had never founded the English Church. Also, the authorities would have had to disconnect from the Italian Illuminati to whom they were intent on betraying the Holy Mother of the British Isles in return for the Antichrist being the ‘future king of the UK’.

Here is today’s first Party song.

Isaac Was Not Sacrificed

Considering that under no circumstance was Angela going to give up on her future work for the German Holy Mother as the spiritual continuation of her work in England, there was not a chance that she and her brother were going to be starved of financial income and silently packed off to Italy, tormented, and then dumped across the sea further east to be sacrificed to an institution aligned with the Illuminati.

The unholy alliance was intent on imposing a reign composed of holy human fathers and founding fathers of human origin claiming paternity over baptism in the Holy Spirit while at the same time working for a Babylonian empire.

For them, in order that the latter could become reality, it was considered necessary to eliminate the Fair Lady and her English Child from the start, which by default meant eliminating the Scottish Child too. Therefore, Child sacrifice of the Holy Spirit!

This is how their father Satan intended undoing the Holy Scriptures and exchanging Abraham for a plague of demons swearing an oath to their god.

The opposite of this, in Angela’s calendar, is going to Germany where the Church under the Full Moon needs to be researched, and all this while fortified in her accomplished work in England.

Italian Illuminati

Shortly after our return to England, my sister had warned me that the authorities were working for the Italian Illuminati and said we must not open the Italian door in England, because from within England the Italian side was working for the downfall of the Fair Lady in her own land while dictating to the local authorities what to do and what not to do.

Adding to this, brother Hun was later shown by the Fair Lady in a communion that the then-UK and their Italian god-fathers were planning on sending me off in an iron cage not only to Italy – in an attempt to force my sister to follow me there, but across the Adriatic Sea too, to their client state, for an ultimate act of humiliation in the name of people who had already betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother and Child.

This was intended to prove a point and make a statement! Someone sitting somewhere wanted to take vengeance on Angela for getting down with her brother in Valjevo on various occasions instead of going to Belgrade to be humiliated, and for returning to Valjevo at Easter following a different route so as to avoid the rotten plank the Italian Illuminati had set up. It had to do with ‘holy fathers’ and very angry people of a client state working for the EU and for NATO and claiming to have sold the Holy Spirit.

Flawed Investigations

Walking into a lamppost can happen, but to keep walking into the same one must necessarily mean one thing: there is a problem. Owing to its static position, the lamppost is not the problem, which instead dwells in the head of those continually walking into it.

All ideas originate in the mind, and marred by the figment of their own imagination, the investigators were conditioned by their own oath of allegiance sworn to a human person and by unproven claims that somebody had sold the Holy Spirit. In fact there was no proof the Spirit had been possessed or sold by anyone, just an illusion of the imagination accompanied by a baseless claim.

The idea that some institutions are too big to fail, whether revolving around an imaginary dispensing of the Holy Spirit or an oath of allegiance to a human person, would have soundly guided the investigators each and every time into the same lamppost. And ultimately, Angela had to flee England to avoid being arrested by very angry people unable to grasp that the problem is in their own mind, as their allegiance is to human people, fake-gods, self-professed ‘fathers’ who are not divine at all but hell-bent on visiting dire revenge on sister Hun and her brother who had defied them.


Related to the Greek noun papas and to the Latin pater, the Italian words padre and papa, translated into English as father and pope, can be used to indicate one or more institutions stemming from – and based on – fathers of human nature.

When these institutions come into contradiction with the biblical description of Abraham, father of many a nation, then they do not lead to spiritual Jerusalem and heavenly Zion and the High priest of God, who is Jesus our Saviour, but to Baal and Babylon.

A Lady In High of a nation and her Child will only ever recognise the One Holy Father and the One Son our Saviour, and will strive for One national Church in the Faith based on the Holy Scriptures.

Had the local authorities succeeded in deporting the Huns to Italy and from there to a client state further east, it would have been out of sheer hate for Angela, whose work would have been dropped into an incinerator while her brother would have been thrown into a swamp.

Angela knew this from the very start when she said: Heute ist Karfreitag and shuddered. And again years later, after we had returned to England, she warned me not to open the Italian door in England and made clear that they were intent on deporting us to Italy in a coffin to be crucified.

There were institutions whose human heads deemed themselves too great to fail, and Angela had got in their way and turned their fantasies upside down. So is it any wonder that the English Child who Angela worked with in the Spirit evaded Herod’s police and instead departed from the cornerstone in Folkestone and headed to Germany to be with his younger spiritual brother?

Child sacrifice to Baal was the alternative: for both!

The German Holy Mother

At some point, Herod’s UK servants tried their hand out at bringing down the Holy Mother of the German Folk, precisely in 2018 when Alexandra and Angela had each made a work offer to Germany.

They were terrified that Angela, once in Germany, would also seek to publish her work on the foundations of two Churches: the English and the Scottish, thus putting an end to the fakery of Henry VIII and his descendants who claim to be the founders of the church and its head. Those people worked for the one to whom they had sworn an oath of allegiance, something which for them equates to a ‘baptism’.

They said our fathers and our grandfathers swore allegiance to them, so too do we!

They bitterly resented Alexandra and Angela, and considering the latter to be vulnerable, wanted to lock her up in a prison, reason for which she fled to Mexico. After the UK ghouls tried passing off the Mexican Holy Mother as a liar, Angela came from Mexico to visit me for a week in the autumn of 2021 after I had repeated on Party space Alexandra’s 2018 offer to Germany. She personally wanted to make sure that her offer to Germany from that same year was also up and running again.

Here is today’s second Party song.

The Church Under the Full Moon

In our Party publication From Bethlehem to Jerusalem, we have made clear that the spiritual English Child departed from the Cornerstone in Folkestone to the German house to be with his spiritual German brother in Germany.

The Prince of demons knows that once the German Holy Mother’s Church is made manifest, Babylon will fall, together with the two horns of the same Beast: NATO and the EU, because people will see the difference between Heavenly Jerusalem and the Illuminati, the latter having made a pact across the Adriatic Sea on one side and with the Antichrist from the UK on the other.

For the German Mother it was very important that I understand the agreement She had with the Serbian Mother that Angela should at some point return to Germany, and that her two best friends should come too after she had done her work in England. This is why the German Lady had shown me the map indicating the road east from North Camp to Rheindahlen.

Her intention is not to undo Angela’s work, but continue it, contrary to what would happen if the ex-Uk institutions – who already abandoned the two white frames in Angela’s Union Flag by sleeping around – had packed me in an iron cage to Italy for Angela to accompany me in silence to be tormented, and from there on to a client state so that they could get back to their same old.

Had they cancelled the English Child, they’d have done the same to the German Child, which is what they tried doing to the Serbian Child.

Cui bono? The Antichrist, Babylon, Satan, the Illuminati founding fathers, the holy human fathers who betrayed Serbian Mother and Child.

This is why Angela won’t come back until there is a binding contract with Germany, and only then to Germany.


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