No-One at The Party Is British
British is a geographic definition of a landmass referring to an island on which different nations live going by different names.
Take Your Stench Somewhere Else!
Today’s Party publication is bringing into perspective the utterly false claim of the UK farts that the Hun and Mädel have to ‘be British’ when she never was and never will be, whereas the Hun is a prisoner waiting to return to Germany and be with Mädel there where she can work.
Mädel is English, full stop. She is waiting to go to Germany and she really couldn’t care less for the empty spaces in Angela’s union flag. That said, neither could Angela, otherwise she would have filled them in. Instead she said that there was never a spiritual request to do so. According to Angela, in fact, there were two separate trains each with a distinct Child on board, one English, one Scottish, and all the people on or about to board one of these trains were supposed to be nice to the Child on that train. This, said Angela, was what I knew, while she herself knew even more than that, and it corresponded to my information.
That was all, she did her work and that is everything! After that, we both need to be in Germany working for the German Holy Mother and Child.
Mädel knows this too, and she also knows that the German Holy Mother offered her the rightful place in the Wirtschaft that befits her skills. She has specifically asked me to tell the UK farts of the UK institutions to take their unholy stench with them somewhere else as she finds it unbearable and believes the rot is unfit for her nose and is nothing other than a UK insult towards her.
No Respect
The Hun finds it incredible that the Scots have never thanked his sister Angela for the work she did for the Scottish Child and for having freed the dissected Saltire from the shreds and shards that surrounded it in a cage. If their version of being ‘British’ means becoming a bag of mincemeat in a meat grinder, then they should go and think again, because I wouldn’t advise them to go down that road.
A union of distinct nations is exactly that, otherwise it wouldn’t be a union but the product of a UK butcher sitting on their arse in Whitehall.
In this respect, Mädel has said the Scots should very nicely ask the Germans to see if they can return what is left of their shredded uniform which my Hanoverians took, because she has only ever washed and ironed my Wehrmacht uniform and she says it stands out by a mile and a half from anything Scottish she has ever seen.
Working for Italy
Freundin became fully aware that the UK police were working for Italy all the time, importing Italian agents to sabotage the Fair Lady of the English Folk, and had planned on packing her Hun and his sister off to Italy. Further to that, she remembers how they insulted her in 2017 when she wanted to start work to bring about the dissolution of the UK and inaugurate Sovereign England.
She knows full well that the UK institutions in this part of England were in bed with their Italians all the time and had planned and sought to obliterate the Holy Mother of the English Folk by sending Her off to Italy too.
These people are seriously sick in the head. Instead of howling something in the street about ‘the Scottish, the Irish and the Welsh should follow the English around’, while telling Mädel to get lost and telling her Hun he does not exist, they should rather take a black sack with them in which to deliver their dog’s excrement and then dispose of it and not fling it at other people on public pathways.
Avoiding Being Sacrificed
Mädel says that the UK Police psycho-terror squad who tried prostituting the Holy Mother of the English Folk to their Italian masters should know that the English Child left Folkestone to join his younger spiritual German brother, she knows this from Alexandra and her Hun, and upholds the version that there is a good reason a Child would avoid those who try prostituting its mother while worshipping the clown who they swear allegiance to.
It was in fact Mädel who told me in 2019 not to even think of letting the Joker about to enter 10 Downing Street to get anywhere near her. She knows those people tried stealing her work and selling it to their Italian masters, and now that she has a place in the heart of the German Mother, she only wants them to know one thing: go back to your mistress and pay up the debts for your false promises yourselves!
Here is this morning’s Party tune.
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