The German Church Is Not for Sale

They offered me regular five pound notes if I sold the German Church that is under the Full Moon of Heaven.

Climb up Chimneys With a Brush or Die

In previous editions, The Party has explained how, in early 2019, the UK attempted to purchase the plans to reach the Cornerstone of the Church that is under the Full Moon with the intention of consigning them to the coffin, that is, not the accomplished research, but the will to start the work in the first place, what they call 'nipping in the bud'.

Aware that Angela was offering to do her work for the German Holy Mother as in accordance with her spiritual calendar and that she had personal contacts with Her, the UK sent the Demon along offering that if we surrendered to the local council and accepted a regular payment of five pound notes, they would cancel the HM Revenues Dresdenization Bomb they had dropped.

Angela was not there in the house at the time, but Mädel was sitting next to me as the Demon was hurling his abuse and making offers. It was clear who had sent him, and he kept repeating You are liars, you never worked for anyone, there is no God, I am God!. His voice changed again and he pulled out some five pound notes saying You see these? I can let you have more of them as regular bread, if only you renounce God and worship my queen, and I will cancel the HM Revenues sentence.

By this time I had already received the demand to pay or be cancelled from every right to earn an income. The point they made was, There is no way Angela or Alexandra are going to work for the German Holy Mother and therefore you will not work with them either, so you must renounce God, worship Satan and change your ways, humiliate yourself and go clean chimneys instead!

Be Gone Satan!

Freundin and I remained calm and collected, I wearing my Wehrmacht uniform and she in her English dress. I then rose and placed the black square-type steel helmet on my head and told him to give his master this message: We did not surrender to you back then at the Rhine, and we will not surrender to you now either. At which Satan’s envoy departed.

Later, Mädel said That was a bear-chest savage if ever there was one!

By that time the sentence had already arrived demanding an impossible sum of money, failing payment of which would mean being cancelled from the list of the living. And because he didn’t pay, the Hun was officially declared dead and therefore deemed unable to ever be part of a work contract.

Angela later on in the year went to Mexico to escape prison and torture, and her brother, still alive, was treated as a prisoner. It was while the Hun sat in prison that the UK died, on the last day of August 2019.

Here is today’s Party march.

One Last Chance

Knowing already in early 2017 that the UK was about to die when Mädel had made her offer to work for its organised dissolution, and seeing how they had turned her away, the Hun, believing in the necessity of remittance of guilt even on the deathbed, had then tried to offer one last chance which would have involved a public act of humiliation whereby he would have kept his Lederhosen firmly braced as the UK establishment solemnly lowered itself to the ground in a contrite and repentant manner.

At the time, Angela my sister, who had observed how they had called her friend out as a liar, cried tears with laughter and said Brother not can offer absolution.

Of-course I was aware of this, but the UK had been sending demented and deranged people at me demanding I climb up ladders and clean their chimneys after Mädel had made her offer, and I considered my proposal an appropriate response.

The rest is nothing new, for as we know, the following year in 2018 Alexandra and Angela officially offered to work for Germany, and in response to this, the UK sent HM Revenues in the Autumn of 2018 in an attempt to terrorise and break Angela and Alexandra’s will, and a few months later the Demonic One launched the above-mentioned assault.

The War Goes on

It was clear their message in that period was directed against Alexandra and my sister, and they had chosen to make an example of the Hun: surrender or die!

The rest is history: the UK went floating out of the Cloaca Maxima down the sewers system and on into the sea in an untreated and raw form on the day Angela went to Mexico.

The UK ghouls, now hovering in limbo and unable to accept that their kingdom’s expiry date had come and gone, initiated a haunting manifestation whereby malefic ghosts and evil spirits were still trying to lead Germany astray, claiming to be ‘god’ and offering an alternative to the German Church that is blessed under the Full Moon of Heaven and for which Angela needs to work together with her friend.

It was at this point that Alexandra initiated the Exorcism here at The Party after it had been re-established, using her spiritual contact with the German Holy Mother combined with her own authority to obtain maximal effect.

On Her part, the German Mother also launched a spiritual military operation, as clarified in our 2022 publication, to take out the lock and open the gate for Hun and Mädel to leave prison and reach Germany, as only then will Angela return from Mexico.

Because the War against Germany is directed by demons and evil spirits whose earthly kingdom is dead, She had Moloch arrested in Germany where it had gone in place of Angela, confined to prison in England and crucified the very next day. She used German military assets in Germany and in England to accomplish this! Based on the evidence, the war has been taken to the next level.


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