No Trampling Over Church Foundations

Zion is not run by human founding fathers trying to take over house and faith.

We Were Faithful to England

Tonight’s Party publication is dedicated to the founding stone that is under heavenly Zion. On returning to England, Angela set about researching the foundations of the English Church and then proceeded to do the same for the Scottish Church. She was working for the One Spiritual Mother of the British Isles.

She was the first to tell me: council all time work for Italy!

While I did not understand much and believed the Union Jack in its original version was a union flag, she explained to me there and then within a few months that the real Union Jack must have four separate spaces. This is Angela’s Union Flag, for she knew better and it became clear she was right from the start.

The Antichrist and the Illuminati

She also showed me within weeks of our returning that the local authorities had a plan to deport us both to Italy, and that this would correspond to the sacrifice of the English Child and his Church. In our last edition National Sovereignty Aligned With Church Foundations, under the chapter Politicking in Ecclesiastic Affairs, we wrote: “they tried replacing the ancient English ecclesiastic foundations with the ideological construct established by Henry VIII, descendant of the Normans. For them, the English cornerstone represented the enemy of the UK”.

Having already received the vision where the Antichrist had targeted my sister and knocked her over in Italy, it was no surprise to me that she would have had her own spiritual information to go by to corroborate what had been shown me. Evidently, the Illuminati who had become the patrons of a place across the Adriatic Sea to bring down the Serbian Mother and Child were out to do the same in England.

This could only come about if there is betrayal and treachery taking place from within, and believing that one could be English was not enough to defend against it. Betraying the English Spirit and English blood was no problem for these people: after all, the Antichrist was involved, and the Illuminati too!

The British Mother

After completing her work for the Scottish Child as well, Angela wanted to continue research into Celtic ecclesiastic foundations and I was enthusiastic about it, however we both knew that we also had an appointment with the German Mother In High for Her Church.

Sadly, the local authorities were eager to cancel all and every reference to the Fair Lady of the British Isles and were opening the gates to the Italian Illuminati to whom they wanted to sell the soul of every one of the four nations of Britannia’s isles.

In the end, in 2018 they went to their bottom line and said to me: you do not even exist! Angela was in danger of being imprisoned and she fled to Mexico, where her spiritual contacts were in her favour, and brother Hun took her place in prison.

It is as Mädel said of Angela: They threw away the Gold and took the wood instead and went and crucified themselves on it!

Here is tonight’s Party song.

Under the Full Moon

The German Mother had already shown me the map home to Germany, reminding me there is another Saxon part in sister and her brother that the council could not try selling off to the Illuminati. And She reminded me also that Her Church built on stone foundations under the Full Moon is there for us to discover.

If ever anyone asks why Angela left two empty frames in her Union Flag, just ask the local authorities why they kept to their cowardly default line: you do not exist!

They are the ones who kept exchanging all and every reference to Holy Mother Britannia and to the British Isles and were working for some scheme of theirs that, ultimately, would have seen brother and sister dumped on the other side of the Adriatic Sea once the Italian Illuminati had done another master stroke of their own, the local council looking on self-satisfied. That is how far thirty silver pieces go!

Die Hunnin made a bottom line of her own: if brother stay in prison, hermana no come back, and they keep empty spaces!

When she does come back, it will be to Germany, because so long as the Antichrist is lurking about in league with the Illuminati, she is in serious danger!

As for brother, Hunnish discipline rules, and faith and loyalty to German Mother In High must remain intact!

Here is tonight’s Party march.


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