Angela Hun Flagbearer
In today’s second Party edition, we will be contemplating Angela’s duty as bearer of the Flag.
The German Mother
On the day of 12th January 2022, the German Holy Mother revealed in communion with the Hun that Angela is Her chosen Bearer of the Flag. In our Party publication subsequently circulated that same day under the title Angela Germanica in Public, we wrote: “Today’s Party publication is being presented owing to a warning that the German Mother has shown me in Person following yesterday’s number, the 105th since April 2021, the date The Party returned in its current version”.
From the chapter: Popular Contract, it is stated: “Angela needs a public contract with Germany that cannot be hidden away by any state authority, because her work for the One German Church will be for the German Folk and must be published without any reserve”.
At the end of this communion I stood next to the German Mother as She showed me two flags in the distance with empty frames, just coloured white, and, in front of these two, a third flag that was on a flagpole and also in white as it was still not filled in. We were in Germany in the communion.
Here is our first Party song of the day.
Only Angela
In the same article, from the chapter Perpetuating Failure, it is explained that “Angela cannot be separated from her brother and will not be coerced by any group operating outside of public domain. The sole Authority she will be working for is the German Holy Mother”. For this is exactly what I was shown and it has been certified by Alexandra.
Under the last chapter: Freedom to Pass, are the words: “she will have freedom to move at will, unrestrained by the malefic influence of any foreign agenda or entity, regardless how secretive it presents itself”.
The German Mother requires that Angela be allowed to find the pathway leading to the German Church that is under the Full Moon, for Her Flag depends on this.
Angela’s Union Flag
Brother has illuminated on how his sister once showed him her own Union Flag, the one with four frames, of which the top two are filled in with design and colour, namely the English frame and the Scottish. The bottom two remained white and empty. Only Angela ever held this flag, and she is the one who authored the research into ecclesiastic foundations relating to these two top spaces.
Her brother, who is in prison, cannot hold or carry this flag, as others would only try wrestling it away from him, whereas Angela departed, and so Herod’s people could not take her Union Flag.
In our Party print from 19th February 2022 Angela Hun’s Union Jack, it has been clearly noted that: “my sister Angela left England for Mexico in the early hours of the 1st September 2019 still during the night and left a pair of empty spaces behind under the English Flag and the Scottish Flag. This is her version of the Union Jack”.
Therefore, on her leaving, the English Red Saint George House was fully decorated within, all fresh and white, the Scottish Saltire had been freed from its dissected status, and there were no other flags or houses within the context.
No Duplication
No-one can duplicate her Union Jack either as they do not know the full details of the colouring she applied as a film coating for authenticity, nor do they know anything about the bottom two frames which remained blank.
Thus the Antichrist is in no position to usurp the Throne of Christ, for he knows not the keys to applying the colours and the designs to the bottom two spaces. His followers were unable to find this out for him, their investigations having led nowhere.
Joining the Regiment
In today’s earlier post Heavenly Jerusalem Is Zion, Not Babylon, the introductory phrase is “Angela is the one who can find the pathway leading to the Church in the Land of the Rhine”, and this explains why she alone can bear the German Mother’s Flag once her work has been achieved.
And under the chapter There Was No Such Contract, it is written “for those who read The Party, it will be clear that the German Holy Mother never had a contract with failed uk investigators from whom Angela fled to avoid being locked up and bugged, but with the Fair Lady Mother of the English Child”.
Once in a vision the Police had entered a house where we used to live in England near what was to become the Red Saint George House, and their commander, without ever looking me in the eyes, slowly approached and kept repeating the same phrase: he said he would join us. I looked with surprise, because actually I had not said this. My allegiance was the same as Angela’s, we had pledged loyalty to the Fair Lady of the British Isles and never would I have joined those whose allegiance goes to another, such as the one to whom they swear loyalty!
Here is today’s second party presentation.
In fact, I joined the Hanoverians, because once the German Mother said to me Nimm deine Hannoveraner! These were Her very own, and I trusted them to be faithful to the German Holy Mother.
German Poppy |
Not in My Interests
It was against the Hun’s interests to be sent to Italy in an iron cage to be crucified and then later transported to the other side of the Adriatic Sea to be dropped into a swamp, and Mädel would never have seen me again. I’d have lost Alexandra, and Angela would have been lost to the world as they’d have deported her too.
Our Fair Lady would have lost Her English Child and the Antichrist would have taken over.
And this is why, in our 6th February 2022 edition Angela’s Guardianship in Germany, under the chapter Guardian Decision, I made the following statement: “doing by what has been shown in communion, brother Hun is arranging for Angela to return directly to Germany when she leaves Mexico, without stopping over in England”.
And here endeth the lesson with our final Party presentation of the day.
Hun 2 |
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