My Hanoverian Pioneers

The Norman kingdom came to an end in England, it didn’t reach one thousand years.

Take Your Hanoverians!

Years ago, while I was in England wondering why the institutions worship a human dynasty descended from Duke William of Normandy and knowingly betray the Fair Lady and Child of the English Folk, the German Mother sent me Her Hanoverian Pioneers. I would need these one day to get out of prison and back to Germany, and each and every attempt at trying to get the Hun to take off his uniform has failed.

They offered me peanuts in return for humiliating myself, I said No!; they offered me five pound notes in return for worshipping their descendant of the Duke, again I said No!; they dried out all my income, and still I said No!

Aware of my German uniform and the regiment I was given by the German Lady, I refused to betray the cause, and this is why, in 2018, my sister made her work offer to Germany in the Name of the German Holy Mother, supported by Alexandra who made a work offer of her own to Germany.

My sister die Hunnin was never going to exchange the Fair Lady for the Norman’s son, she worked for God’s Son, and she was never going to sacrifice the German Mother and Her Child. And her brother was never going to exchange his uniform no matter what Herod tried doing to fool him or for whatever batch of pound notes they were offering. A Hun doesn’t sell his uniform!

On Being Sorry

They are sorry because they couldn’t exchange Fair Lady and Child with the Norman’s son. Contrary to them the Hun isn’t sorry.

If we follow the route, someone across the Adriatic Sea worked for Italy, the Antichrist appeared in Italy for his own purposes, and the Italian Illuminati were invited over to England to knock down all and every reference to Mother and Child of the English Folk. Then together they set off to wage War on German Holy Mother and Child and are preventing Angela – who repeated her offer to Germany in 2021 at The Party – from returning to Germany to do her work.

Being in Mexico, she cannot be imprisoned by the Duke’s descendants and their servants. Being safe from their torments, die Hunnin cannot be bugged and see her work hidden away, perhaps to be bartered in reverse-engineered bits and pieces in return for recognition of a failed kingdom that they refuse to accept as having already fallen.

There is not a chance that Angela would be forced to work chained to the rack in ‘the UK’ which they claim is not dead, for someone wearing monkey boots to then hand her work over to others claiming it was forced and tortured out of her by the UK and its Herodian family.

Being seriously affected by a figment of their own imagination and unwilling to accept being failures at Bletchley Park, they are sorry, but the Hun isn’t!

Here is today’s Party march.

Out of Spiritual Love

Angela is a once-only occasion in the destiny of a national Church, a Lady In High will know this, and it was only ever out of her own free will and from spiritual love that she worked. She will not be crucified by thugs or placed at the rack and tortured into revealing anything. When it comes to Angela’s future, the days of the crucifiers from across the Adriatic Sea, the Italian Illuminati founding-fathers and the Antichrist are over.

As for Angela’s brother, the Duke of Normandy fought his battle, Winston Churchill fought his war, the Illuminati sent Beelzebub and Moloch over to England and then tried invading Germany with them, and the German Mother made sure that Moloch got crucified in order to keep Satan away, while the Hun is still out there with his Hanoverians.

The last standing on the battlefield gets to having a say in how history is written, and it’s important that the German Mother’s Hanoverian Pioneers are recognised for their part in this. Hunnish discipline has been of the essence, along with faith and loyalty.

As for those who lost, they don’t get to dictating anything.

On her part, Angela left Sovereign England in the early hours of the 1st September 2019, the UK having descended into the sewers on the last day of August that same year.

As for the English Child, he departed from the Cornerstone in Folkestone and joined his younger German brother to be at his side. As we can see, history will not be written by the losers.

The Cloaca Maxima

Since when would Germany abandon Angela and exchange the German Mother and Child for the servants who are loyal to the uk?

Angela left behind a freshly painted and decorated house in Sovereign England, the Red Saint George House, red outside and white within. The Thug falsely claimed on various occasions it was in tatters and needed ‘restructuring, painting and decorating’, but was instead left outside in the dark to gnash his teeth.

All evidence shows that Angela remained loyal to English Holy Mother and Child. She also freed the Scottish Saltire from its dissected status and from the shreds and shards sticking into it.

As for the kingdom of the Norman Duke, it went its way: il est tombé dans la mer.


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