The Adversary Opposes Spiritual Mother and Child
A Lady Helps Her Spiritual Sister
The greatest help the Fair Lady could have given to her German Spiritual Sister was to send her very own English Child to Germany to be with his younger spiritual brother while he awaits the return of Angela to German land.
He knows that the future of his brother is not in the hands of Beelzebub and Moloch who the Italians sent to England to systematically try to shut down and take over. It is not in the hands of the local authorities who let them in and let them loose, and it is not in the hands of Herod’s police.
The crucifixion of Moloch by order of the German Mother to keep Beelzebub away, was essential in preventing the One German Church being replaced by a stone hell underground.
The Time as Per Angela’s Calendar
In the Party edition from 5th March 2022 Angela Uses Providence to Defend Mother and Child, under the chapter dedicated to the German House, it is written: “even if I spent 25 hours in one day explaining away that Angela is chosen, they would just sit there and ignore me”.
These were the words I had spoken to the Fair Lady of the English and the Scots in that house in Germany, and, as narrated in the above link, the time had come for Angela and I to leave England and return to Germany.
Here is tonight’s Party tune.
The above chapter goes on to state: “She was looking at me and just as I had spoken these words, a telephone in front of her rang, She smiled at me and picked up the receiver”. And it was then that “the German Mother came and spoke words of joy that were incomprehensible to me, after which She leaned over and kissed me once on each eye”.
England, Scotland and Then Germany
On Party space we have made evident that everything Angela told me, and all that was shown me in communion, says the same: after working for the English Child and then the Scottish Child, my sister has an appointment with the German Holy Mother.
She did not ask some self-promoting liars on the other side of the Adriatic Sea to drain my funds and try claiming powers they never had nor ever gave, nor did She seek the Italian Illuminati to send Beelzebub and Moloch in place of Angela to Germany. And she does not want Herod’s police confining my sister in a prison to torment and bug her: She never kissed their eyes, they know this, but they do not intend lowering their crest.
Human Founding Fathers and Illuminati
The Illuminati working for their own gods and empires have no place in the German Mother’s plans for her own Child and the Church that is under the Full Moon.
Those people lied, cheated, made false promises and conjured up plans to make fail, no doubt claiming that some ‘holy fathers’ of human origin are superior to Divine Holy Mother and Child. These people ended up becoming themselves a pantheon of human gods with each and every one of their plans fading away into nothingness, as is the case with human ideas borne from the figment of the imagination.
In his attempt to bring down the Church under the Full Moon, who else would Satan have used to fool the world in his quest to make fail the German Child from the start?
There is only one adversary that seeks to transform the Church of this Child into a hell of stone under the ground, and he is the one who these founding fathers of empires serve, the ones who sent Beelzebub and Moloch to knock down the stones as they are being built up.
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