Heavenly Jerusalem Is Zion, Not Babylon

Angela is the one who can find the pathway leading to the Church in the Land of the Rhine.

There Was No Such Contract

For those who read The Party, it will be clear that the German Holy Mother never had a contract with failed uk investigators from whom Angela fled to avoid being locked up and bugged, but with the Fair Lady Mother of the English Child.

Being spiritual, She works with the Spirit and not with failures working for alien powers and contenders to the Throne of our Saviour the Son of God. It is clear She has no intention of allowing Angela to be packed off to Italy and from there to a place across the Adriatic Sea where liars think they can strut around and call hermana Hun ‘a liar’.

It will also have become clear that the failed investigators were not able to bug colours into the two empty frames of Angela’s Union Flag either, the reason being, no-one with divine Authority ever gave them the permission to force Schwester Hunnin into secretly handing them over any work of hers.

The one who they swear allegiance to is unable to replace any Lady and Child in High of the Holy Trinity, in the same way as the Illuminati are incapable of this and their clients across the sea. Indeed we may take for granted that they went running from Italy to England to complain that the Antichrist had spiritually knocked Angela down in Italy, however this happened because they allowed him to do so in their own country.

Never Again!

The German Holy Mother knows this, and She also knows that Angela fled England to Mexico to avoid being locked up and tortured in a prison. She has no intention of allowing anyone to knock die Hunnin over in Germany or to lock her up when she gets back home to the land of the Rhine.

Having a Child and his Church to care for, the Holy Mother of the German Folk would never delegate Angela’s research over to anyone else, nor transfer brother Hun’s guardianship for her to people bearing handcuffs and prison keys to lock up and lock away.

These people would try to tell the German Folk to replace German Holy Mother and Child with Theresa May’s ‘Divorce Bill’, claiming that the German Mother ‘has to be married to Babylon’.

A Light on a Hill

Is it any wonder that a Lady In High whose Church under the Full Moon with a pathway leading to it refuses to allow Angela to be consigned to prison, her work bugged and the German Church hidden away in darkness and a stone hell? Of-course not!

Die Hunnin’s work needs to be done through careful research that takes time and involves travelling and investigating, and then it needs to be presented and promoted in public. A Light on a hill must not be placed under a bed, so the Illuminati and their bedfellows cannot have her imprisoned, tortured and trafficked over to Italy and beyond.

These failed investigators of Herod must not be allowed to call the German Mother ‘a liar’, and Whitehall cannot get away with attempting to arrange for the German Folk ‘a marriage’ with Babylon in place of Angela’s work.

In our edition Angela Matchmaker Arranges Marriages, it is written Schwester can only make a work contract if it is specifically in the Name of Holy Mother and Child of a nation, and being the desired one of many a Lady In High, she is waiting to receive news”.

No Antichrist

We have seen that in Italy they opened the gates to the Antichrist to target Angela, that the Italians then came running to England to complain to Herod’s very own investigators and tell them to shut her down here too, and The Party has made manifest the German Holy Mother’s determination not to allow the hellhound into Germany to threaten Her Child.

Once the demonic Adversary is identified, it needs to be avoided, and if it turns up, it needs to be opposed. The German Holy Mother has made sure it does not even bother showing up in Germany. She wants Angela home, not the Devil in her place!

Only the Devil and his followers have an interest in shutting away the German Child and consigning his Church underground. Satan could only do so by way of enablers swearing their allegiance to those who claim the Throne of Jesus, Son of God, and Illuminati working together with them trying to impose their own ‘paternity’.

Yet the German Mother recognises One Only Father in Heaven.

Here is today’s Party song.


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