From the Hun’s Perspective

Through One Pair of Eyes

Tonight I am writing a page dedicated to my own point of view, giving personal opinions on what I perceived to be going on around me over the years before and since returning to England with my sister and in relation to her and Freundin.

Having understood the situation and aspirations of those dear to me and relayed their message – sometimes revealed in communion and other times given in the form of bullets and numbering on pen and paper, the time has come for my own view.

Isn’t This Called Treason?

When my sister guided me through her affairs in Serbia, the country had an official name, and a place next door was actually part of the same state. We passed through there, and at the time they were talking of breaking away while receiving stimulus to do so from the EU and NATO.

They tried involving my sister into something, and to me this came across as treason towards the country they were a part of. However, she refused, and as we had made Valjevo our destination from the start, this is where she always returned. She also said back then that those people intent on breaking away were using Belgrade in Serbia as a place to wipe the dust of their sandals on and to fling the Serbs into a ditch.

They had lied as well, and it was my view that foreign powers, namely the Italian Illuminati, were paying them to commit treason against the country they were legally part of at the time. As hinted at in the chapter’s subtitle, this is just my personal view through one pair of eyes.

In previous accounts, The Party has already mentioned the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, which however had to do with Angela’s work.

Even the Antichrist Turned up

Readers will know that my sister and I had stayed for a while in Italy after the last journey to Serbia and before returning to England.

Angela did quite some things there, and my laissez-faire attitude to her independent will meant I’d get on well with my affairs and she with hers. What it was she actually did to attract the Antichrist I know not, for she never quite told me everything, nor why he knocked her down with his car. May-be the Italians know something more about it and have an issue with him, but then that shouldn’t be my problem really. My concern in that respect was to get Angela back safely to England where she was still going to private school.

A Holiday That Became a Nightmare

It was some years later when one of Angela’s best friends, Anglia, decided she wanted to go on a holiday to Italy. Having studied some languages, she knew Italian, and so we packed some summer items, took a batch of my savings and departed.

With her she took a manual in Italian, which I perceived to be a presentation of cooking recipes. I assumed she might want to add a few more to her book while I would be sipping red wine and exploring Mount Vesuvius.

However, over there she got into conversation with some people and exchanged a few words too many. It seems that Mädel claimed to be capable of presenting better dishes than even the Italians could, and all this while speaking in Italian. To my dismay, the round-Earth theory of Christopher Columbus suddenly took on another dimension.

When Marco Polo introduced Chinese noodles to Venice, this later caused a war with Genoa whose international trade in focaccia was about to be replaced with Venetian spaghetti. Similarly, an operation had to be carried out on my part to get Mädel very quickly out of the corner she had got herself into with her manual, and off we quickly went, she leaving Italy in one direction heading through France, I leaving in another going north to Germany.

While they were looking for two people, we were now travelling each as one, she in the guise of a French marchioness, I as Don Alfonso, which wasn’t how they had previously seen us. Once we had each left behind the Italian boundaries, we thought all our troubles had come to an end.

Here is tonight’s first Party song.

Will Ye No Come Back Again?

Within time I was comfortably settling down in my ancestral lands in Germany in the knowledge that my sister and her friend Mädel were back at school in England, and with them the other friend from their group, Alexandra.

This was until, in a dream, Mädel appeared at the door and, understanding my words of greeting, came to me. Knowing what this meant, in my next letter to her I wrote we’d be meeting again by the old oak tree at the mill, and so I departed from my castle on the Rhine and once more came to England.

Longa Manus

My previous stay in England after Serbia had been dedicated to helping Angela, otherwise I had been an unwanted person outside of her circle of friends. I already knew the local council was working for Italy as my sister had told me pretty much from the start. I imagined it wasn’t for nothing she had been knocked over by the Antichrist and the Italians were out for vengeance.

However, on my second return, a whole new dilemma materialised as it became clear the Italians were also after Mädel’s manual on recipes. They were working to the benefit not of Our Fair Lady, but the Italian founding fathers. It was a back and forth between what the council said and what the Italians said, and eventually the Hun said he had enough.

Here is one example of how they tried getting her work:

Those people seem to think that Mädel is stupid and would send her recipes in the form of a matrix-manual to unknown persons and without a contract in return for insults! That way, the Italian Illuminati could have repaired the bankrupt EU and the City bankers could have waved a magical wand and cancelled the public debt, eh?

Well no, it doesn’t work like that. Furthermore, very little do I know of her policies as she never said much to me about them.

A House in a Piazza

During my previous stay in England, while helping Angela by printing off some of her research on my original website, I recall mentioning her enthusiasm for Celtic monasticism on a public forum. Immediately a councillor came along and curtly rubbished off all reference to anything Celtic or monastic. After a second attempt of mine, he angrily reiterated his previous response with the same minimum amount of words. It was official at council level.

However, he was also making hints at something without ever looking me in the eyes, so to speak, about other countries in Europe who are more important than the British Isles, and I recall he was fascinated with the idea of a house in a piazza somewhere in Italy.

Then there was another individual who was spying on every word I wrote on social media and tried ramming words into my mouth about ‘all things Italian’ that I had never spoken nor written. Angela was right and had known it from the start, that they were working not for England, not for anything British, but for Italy and the Illuminati of the EU.

Goodbye Celtic Origins

It was about that time when any thought of her doing further research into Celtic ecclesiastic origins of the Fair Lady’s Churches in the British Isles went through the window. For me it was astonishing, especially considering how my sister had just completed her work on the origins of the Scottish Church, which they deliberately ignored, just as they had done to her work on the English ecclesiastic foundations.

Those people had made a pact with their Illuminati adoptive fathers to cancel all reference to Spiritual Mother and Child, to hide away all Angela’s work, not to acknowledge its existence, and all this notwithstanding the fact that neither Angela nor I ever had an agreement with Italy whether by contract or otherwise. May-be they did!

Later, in Westminster’s Divorce Bill, we saw what they gave the Irish for a mess, something mixed up between ‘the UK’ and EU authority imposed by ‘founding fathers’ from somewhere. The Illuminati they were in bed with saw to it alright that there was no place for Spiritual Mother and Child!

I’m Locking You Out!”

But on my second return to England following Mädel’s letters and her appearance in a dream, this next bout of Italian interference and the compliant and heinous collaboration of the local institutions running their scam was the last straw for me.

And it was pointless believing the ‘investigators’ would be any different, considering they didn’t even look me in the eyes. It didn’t take much to understand on whose side they were from the start. However, Mädel made sure I always kept them well out of her room, unable to get anywhere near her policies on economics, whether to do with ingredients for cooking a dish, or which soapsuds to use when washing the dishes. And this is when I locked them out in the garden at the compost heap.

An Empty Space!

Brother Hun wouldn’t have a clue how to fill in a blank frame in Angela’s Union Flag, although I could have a go:

One day, a giant in Wales flung a mallet, the thing flew over the water and landed in a peaceful Cornish village. The following day, Saint Feoc appeared in Wales holding a leek, and he spoke: You throw mallets at us, and here we offer you the fruit of some decent work.

What the Feoc! Shouted the giant, Don’t tell me what to do, and when you go back to Cornwall, get the Feoc out of my duchy!

Stunned, Saint Feoc turned back, crossed the narrow stretch of water and from there travelled on across a much larger expanse of sea called the British Ocean. Landing in Brittany, he settled down and never went back.

This is how one country inherited an empty space, at least according to brother’s account. For a better one, the Welsh can take a trip to the local people here in England working for the Illuminati from another country located in a completely different direction.

Angela is gone however, her road leading in a straight line all the way past North Camp and through Cornwall to Land’s End, from where she crossed an ocean and landed in Mexico. And when she returns, it will be to the other side of the German Ocean. Her brother on his part was officially declared as not even existing. That’s how low and cowardly they got!

Talking of her friend Angela, Mädel once said: they flung away the Gold and took the wood instead and went and crucified themselves with it! And it was Angela herself who once proclaimed with a shudder: Heute ist Karfreitag!

Utterly Deranged

When Theresa May, backed by Westminster and Whitehall, started flying around on a broom claiming that twenty-eight countries were married to Babylon the EU, Mädel, who in 2017 had been told to get lost, looked at me and said Those people are sick in the head!

I replied: They are positively evil!

While they claim the UK got a divorce certificate, The Party’s version is different: the UK died of syphilis.

The Hun is signing off for today, it was his personal contribution as seen from his own view and also quoting some remarks made by Angela and Freundin.

Our next publication is: Even More From the Hun's Perspective.

Here is tonight’s second Party tune.


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