Ignoring the Cornerstone and Searching Beyond

They tried investigating into the future and ended up looking on into the sea.

Different Forms of Research

Observing the direction towards which the Fair Lady is facing in Folkestone, going beyond the English Cornerstone leads to the sea. They wanted to see what would happen if they ignored this stone and investigated further, and what happened is that the English Child left and went to Germany to help his younger German spiritual brother.

All the German Holy Mother needs is for Angela to return to Germany and her brother too so that die Hunnin can do her own investigations, and this is where the local council & Co. have to bow out, they did their investigative research, tried seeing into the future and found that Angela was not there to tell them where the German Cornerstone is, other than that it is in the lands of the German Mother!

Here is today’s Party dance.

Those who always worked for the Illuminati won’t be involved though, because Schwester does not work with them. Nor is there a place for the founding fathers of Europe who have a vested interest in shutting down each and every sovereign national Church in order to profess their own Babylonian empire while claiming the Twelve Heavenly Stars. Their sort is not the father a Lady In High associates with.

Exploring France

While we were still in Italy after our last return from Serbia, shortly before leaving for England, in a communion I was in southern France and saw a high-speed railway track connecting England to Italy.

The French did not appreciate this, and showed me another track with narrow gauge that led into the countryside of Provence. I ascended a train here which took me up through the hills to a village surrounded by green nature, and at the station was an elderly Frenchman who was running a shop in an old-fashioned small house. Outside along the walls of his house were hanging on display jugs and vases made of earthenware. He was lonely and looked at me, and it was clear that the Italians were running their busy trade with someone somewhere in England.


The French Border

Years later in England, in another communion vision, again the French came to me with regards to Italy, and this time I was not going to be able to pass from France across the Italian border, because the French were going to prevent it.

When Mädel and I went on holiday to Italy, they tried taking her Italian manuscript and so we made a hasty departure, she going through France back to England passing through Provence, and I north to Germany.

The Italians were working for the ‘founding fathers of Europe’, but it so happens that across the border into France, according to the French in High, they do not get to determining what France’s destiny is.

At some point in 2017, after Mädel had made her work offer in England – which was turned down, a French man of perhaps seventeenth century appearance came to me in communion and said: I want you to see this! and showed me something.

Freundin told me that if one day we get to having contact with France, I should make this revelation known. It concerns the kind of work she would be involved in. If that which this Frenchman showed me were put into practice, it would change the course of France. He had insisted I should behold what he had to show me.

There has never been a communion event where Germany and France had a problem with each other, all problems were with the UK and Italy, the first of which is trying to supplant England, while the second is trying to take over in the name of some failed empire to which they claim paternity.

In our next edition, The Party will write about what the Swiss In High showed the Hun.

Here is today’s Party march.


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