From English to German Cornerstone

From the Cornerstone in Folkestone

At The Party we made clear that the English Child went from the Cornerstone in Folkestone to the German house to help his younger German brother, and that he was sent by the Fair Lady of the English Folk. He is not therefore working in the name of the Normans and the descendants of Duke William, and this means he went from Sovereign England to Germany in the Spirit! He did not go from ‘the UK’.

The English Red Saint George House was fully decorated in the Spirit on the 1st September 2019, and the Exterminator lied when claiming it needed repairing and decorating. He wanted to undo and possess the House of which Jesus, God’s Son, is the rightful King, and tried changing the times on Angela’s church calendar, claiming her achievements were null and void.

Madel's Kreuz

As we know, I ignored him on all counts and he was left out in the dark to gnash his teeth.

The Hun Exists

Readers at The Party will be aware that he was told they cannot even see him because he refused to bow down to their presumed queen.

They barked You did not salute a superior rank and we do not see you or acknowledge your presence!

In truth the Hun had pledged allegiance to the Fair Lady from the start as did his sister, and we both proclaimed Jesus as the King of the English Folk. Neither of us were going to salute a usurper trying to replace the rightful Monarch. She departed England and brother took her place in prison.

Angela shed tears with laughter and cried: brother always good to his sister!

Here is today’s Party march.

However, Angela said Life must go on! And also brother not can stay in prison to Day of Doom!

In our last print No Trampling Over Church Foundations, we wrote under the chapter The British Mother: “the local authorities were eager to cancel all and every reference to the Fair Lady of the British Isles and were opening the gates to the Italian Illuminati to whom they wanted to sell the soul of every one of the four nations of Britannia’s isles”.

We have noted in the past that in return they would receive recognition of ‘the UK’ while Jesus the Son of God would be denied his rightful place as Heavenly King of the English Folk. For this the Hun was told he doesn’t exist.

This was also a way of saying the same of the English Child who Angela worked with and of the English Church she presented as of its origins.

The German House

The English Child’s presence in front of the German House to protect his younger brother within from the hellhound out on the road is an essential part in confirming the Alliance between the Fair Lady and the German Mother.

Beelzebub and Moloch are known enemies that had already tried undoing the English House and who have interest in preventing the German House from prospering.

Whatever Herod’s people said about the Hun and his sister, we refused to salute the descendant of Duke William, the one who fought at Hastings against Godwin’s son and the English Army, and whose descendant then challenged Jesus, God’s Son, at the Cornerstone in Folkestone.


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