Angela Hun’s Insurance Policy

My sister Angela knew from the start how to protect me and get me out of prison.

A Grateful Brother

Readers of The Party will have comprehended that the Hun is eternally grateful to his sister Angela that she kept two empty spaces in her Union Flag. This was to get her brother one day out of prison and prevent him being tortured by Herod’s servants and then packed off to Italy in a coffin. From there they planned dumping him further east to what would have been the ultimate humiliation of both of us to satisfy those who wanted to prove Angela to be a liar.

We have seen that the Antichrist’s servants sent the Diabolic Thug in early 2019 to try to force worship of their queen onto us.

Sister escaped to Mexico and they cannot lay their hands on her and chain her to the rack. As for brother, he doesn’t really care about the two empty frames because the English spiritual Child has nothing to do with the Irish or the Welsh and instead went east to Germany to help his younger German spiritual brother.

Had she filled in those two spaces at some point in the past, the demonic ones would still have sent the Thug to try to impose worship of their queen, and we’d both be sitting now in prison or would have been already packed off to Italy. The English Child they would have sacrificed to their demonic Moloch, and the Fair Lady they’d have sold to their Illuminati godfathers in return for acknowledgement of their god’s kingdom.

But neither of us worship their god, so they can take their idols somewhere else.

We Are Liars”

Now they are trying to explain why they lied by claiming they could force work out of other people and hand it secretly over to their believers, when it becomes evident that they failed in their quest.

It serves them right! And hopefully it won’t be long till the Germans also tell them at which station to get down. This is necessary because otherwise Angela isn’t coming back. As for her brother, I already made clear that the Thug had come back and lied again and tried offering me some money to exchange Sovereign England for a Devil’s den. I ignored him each time and he ended up out in the dark to rot.

Not only this, I really couldn’t care less for the two empty spaces in Angela’s Union Flag, and if Herod’s police want this in writing I can give it them by way of two empty sheets with nothing written or designed on them as full proof thereof, for that’s what they come across as from my view.

That’s how Angela showed me them, and she warned me there and then that if I opened the Italian door we’d both end up there too, I in a coffin and she walking alongside in tears. So it is better that Herod’s people go back to bed with their mistress and stay there and keep out of my business.

Figment of Their Imagination

Readers will have also gathered that nothing is published here for a long time on matters to do with ‘the UK’ as it doesn’t even exist and so there is nothing to write about.

My uniform bears the markings of my regiment and I am waiting to get back home where I haven’t been for a long time.

If I am asked any questions, from now on I’ll just repeat my regiment’s name and my rank. I am under no obligation to reveal the slightest information beyond that and trying to obtain any is against the Geneva Conventions.

If Bletchley Park is listening in, I just give them a string of words to hear and hope they choke on them.

Here is today’s Party song.


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