White Spaces in the Union Flag
Sometimes, a breakfast can come with an extra pleasant surprise.
Morning Breakfast
This morning Alexandra passed by, and so I enquired of her whether the German Mother was showing me that the two empty spaces of Angela’s Union Flag are dead.
Alexandra replied May-be!.
She didn’t seem at all concerned, so I wondered for a moment, and said Then it must be very important for the German Mother that Angela gets back to Germany to work for the German Flag with the German Child so that the Church under the Full Moon can be established by its cornerstone.
Alexandra replied that the German Mother does not have a reason to allow Her Child to be held to ransom, for on Angela’s calendar is written clearly: Germany, and I myself have been shown many times that this is so.
Local Council
We talked about the local authority’s plan to send me off in an iron cage to Italy to be locked up in a coffin and then crucified upside down and dumped across the Adriatic Sea to be humiliated once more and dropped down a swamp.
Those people always worked for the Illuminati ‘founding fathers’ who in turn had recruited some clients and created a state for them and allowed them to enter the eurozone before even being in the EU.
In relation to that, Herod’s servants said they were going to hold me in prison in England before sending me on, that it is for the greater glory of the Tanner son’s kingdom which, they said, must last one thousand years – reckoning from 1066 – and then further still forever.
Alexandra said: Well they can wave goodbye to the two blank frames then!
This heartened me, I kissed Alexandra’s hand and said: You have made my day!
To Germany
As the Prince of Wales has nothing to offer Wales in terms of a place in any Union Jack, whether the one he uses with the dissected Saltire, or Angela’s with the four frames, his claims will appear to be quite fraudulent.
As for the Irish, it seems no-one there actually knows what their place in the Union Jack is, as neither Northern Ireland nor the Republic use a national emblem represented in it.
It could well be that the German Mother has offered a choice: if her Hunnin and brother get back to Germany and start doing their work there, then may-be She could look into these two white spaces in Angela’s Union Flag and this could mean the Irish and the Welsh sending representations to Germany to ask for a work contract, obviously if and when it suits the German Lady. She has a Child to care for and a Church to see to of Her own.
Here is today’s Party tune.
Mädel, who was preparing breakfast for us, joined in saying: they declared my Hun as being dead, they hate me, they forced his sister to flee to avoid being locked up and bugged, it’s about time someone called them out for the liars they are!.
A Diabolic Pact
It was my sister who told me soon after we got to England twelve years ago of a satanic pact to deport us to Italy by claiming we did not exist and depriving us of all recognition and of any income and hiding away all her work.
Later I was informed they also wanted to deport us across the Adriatic Sea for one final act of humiliation so as to claim that Angela always was a liar, to claim that the Holy Spirit she works with is fake and that no human holy father should ever be questioned or asked to bow his head to Holy Mother and Child.
This would have also fitted in with the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and their plans to initiate a new era of the Illuminati. The Antichrist we have already mentioned.
A Valid French Visa
La Santa Madre Mexicana had told me I do not have a passport that She recognises as such – of a kingdom that is no more, but a valid French visa that the Gendarmes once placed in it. She had said twice: this is not a passport, but a visa!
So it looks like the Antichrist won’t be fooling anyone before long.
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