German Mother’s Insurance Policy

Guaranteed by Angela Flagbearer

Recently we have written at The Party how the German Mother alluded to two white spaces somewhere in limbo in the background when showing me in communion a flagpole with one white-framed flag of her own that she wants Angela, the expert in colouring national flags, to fill in. This event came about on the 12th January 2022 as it was immediately followed by our publication Angela Germanica in Public.

It was only after Alexandra interpreted the message with the white frames that reference to this part was mentioned on Party space, in our 7th April 2022 print Angela Hun Flagbearer.

Taking into account that Angela’s Union Flag has two full frames above – the English and the Scottish – and two empty ones below, and being certain that a completed national flag comes together with her research into national church foundations, the only conclusion to be reached is that the German Holy Mother has an insurance policy against Herod’s UK police and their accomplices among the Italian Illuminati and client state.

They Do Not Exist”

She knows that Angela and Alexandra each made a work offer to Germany in 2018 and that the Hun was later declared null and void by the UK later that same year after they had already turned down Mädel’s offer from 2017 to work for the transition from the then-UK to Sovereign England.

Keeping in mind the official stance adopted at that time and upheld ever since by those seated in places of power in the British Isles, the German Mother is fully within Her right to conclude that those two empty spaces of Angela’s Union Flag can only ever remain empty owing to official policy imposed on this side of the German Ocean. Firstly, the Hun is officially inexistent; secondly, Angela herself fled England to escape prison and torment; thirdly, the UK officially declared the Fair Lady of the British Isles as not having any authority.

The Reality

Consequently the German Mother recognises Angela’s two empty frames of the Union Flag exactly as she herself presented them: empty!

This means there can never be a reason to prevent Angela returning to Germany and carrying out her work of research once her brother is there too. Those people have no justification to hold her brother in prison, and adding to this, it is beyond dispute that they are in serious contempt of the German Holy Mother and are purposefully intent on harming Her interests while presenting a pack of lies as the new norm.

It is no secret that in Autumn 2018, the UK authorities sent the Hun hate mail as a response to Angela’s work for the English Church and the Scottish in the Name of the Fair Lady and her assertion that Jesus, Son of God, is the rightful King of the English Folk. As a direct result of the Antichrist’s servants’ official attitude, two frames in Angela’s Union Jack remained empty and have no reason to be filled in.

The insurance policy taken out by the German Lady consists in recognising and upholding the existence of this state of affairs and making sure it is made public at The Party instead of remaining hidden in the dark.

Waiting for the Germans

Herod’s police and his state tried forcing Mädel, Alexandra, Angela Hun and her brother through insulting behaviour and a no-money policy into backtracking on the declaration that Jesus Christ is the rightful King of the English Folk and replacing him with the Antichrist.

They betrayed the Fair Lady of the British Isles and claimed that Her road does not lead to Christ’s Church but to the Antichrist.

Brother Hun is waiting in England to sign a work contract with Germany on behalf of Alexandra: nothing less than a binding work contract with an upfront payment in gold bars to cover expenses. Herod’s police and servants will never again have a motivation in trying to shut down the German Holy Mother, an aim they have been trying to achieve since 2018.

Alexandra, who has helped the German Holy Mother and directed the Exorcism has opened the gates of England to the Germans to come and sign the agreement, and she is never going to change her mind.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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