Identifying the Devil in the Thug

The son of perdition through whom the Devil operated was sent in name of the Antichrist.

The Signs of the Antichrist

Tonight’s Party publication will present the last two manifestations of the Thug in as many visions which, going by Alexandra, still need to be published here, as mentioned in yesterday’s edition Brexit UK That Only Failed.

In the very first prints in this version of The Party going back to about this time last year 2021, we explained that in early 2019 the UK sent the Thug, also known here as Demonic One and son of perdition, to offer five pound notes if I accepted being a liar, renounced the Spiritual Mother and Child of the English Folk and Jesus King of the English and instead worshipped the Thug's queen, who is the mother of the Prince of Wales.

If You Renounce the Holy Trinity I Will Give You”

He said that if I accepted all this, I could go with him to the council who would cancel the HM Revenues threat they had sent at me in Autumn of the previous year. Of-course they were working all the time for their master the Antichrist. They had decided to cancel Alexandra and Angela’s offers to work for the German Holy Mother in Germany which had been made in 2018. They decided to put HM Revenues onto my case and later declare me dead by cancelling my name from the registers and drying my income out. In fact I was supposed to be working within the context of two work contracts with Germany by that time, not for anyone else of for Satan.

The Church Under the Full Moon

The agents of Satan were fully aware that Angela wanted to work for this Church that is of the German Holy Mother, they were also intent on sacrificing the English Child and cancelling the Fair Lady of the English Folk out of existence – something they were working on for years.

Within a few days of the Demonic One’s assault, which saw him retreating rebuffed, in a vision I saw the exact same man about to launch an attack, but transforming  - as if hit by a superior force - into the Devil and going upside down to Hell.

This has all been explained around this time last year in the early editions. One of the two manifestations after his return in vision that has still to be put in print is the following.

Climb up and Fall Down

On one occasion he came and asked me and the English Child to climb each a ladder placed outside a house and going all the way to above the roof, and to climb and stand on the very highest rung with nothing to hold on to while however holding a bucket of paint and a paintbrush. It would have meant falling to death or serious injury.

Had the English Child gone the way of the Demonic One and those who sent him – namely the UK – he would not have reached Folkestone and the Cornerstone, but would have fallen, as was in the desire of the father they serve: Satan.

I’m Trafficking It Over”

The other manifestation of the same son of perdition still to be mentioned was before this, but after his descent to Hell, and it involved him driving a lorry with semi-trailer to Italy trafficking over whatever it was that he imagined to be inside, only for the vehicle he was driving to abruptly spin round, one side hitting the wall of the semi-trailer and coming to an abrupt halt.

Then I heard his voice from inside. He had been stopped!

The people he worked for were in conjunction with the Italian Illuminati all the time, and they had planned from the start to make fail Holy Mother and Child of any nation. They were also operating by way of the Italians with a client organization further east across the Adriatic Sea.

This is what the people who sent the Thug were aiming at all the time, and they were intent on sacrificing the Fair Lady of Zion and Caesarea by the Sea.

Enemies of the German Holy Mother

The English Child made it to Germany to his spiritual brother, and this is by consent of the English Holy Mother. The Hun never betrayed a Holy Mother and Child and is waiting with Mädel and Alexandra to sign the necessary contract with Germany, for the English Child will never come back otherwise. His own Life depends on waiting in Germany as the satanic ones would sacrifice him as was their intention all along.

Angela will not come back other than to Germany, she is waiting and is the one who the satanic bugs wanted to hold in prison in order to torment her and obtain information from her.

The two visions that needed to be mentioned here and have now been explained, are essential, said Alexandra, in understanding what we were and are up against. These people cannot possess the Child of any Nation, they work for Satan their father.

Angela needs to work for the Church of the German Holy Mother that is under the Full Moon, free of any attempt at snatching her. The road the English Child took is from spiritual Bethlehem to spiritual Jerusalem in the Name of heavenly Zion.


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