Brexit UK That Only Failed
Today we are presenting one of the three outstanding visions featuring the Thug still not highlighted in previous pages.
Dead in the Water
Following up on our last edition From Colditz to England and Alexandra’s request to put these manifestations to print, we’ll start with the third, dating to late 2019 or some time thereafter. In this occasion, the same Demonic One who had been sent by the diabolic UK institutions and had acted on their behalf at the start of 2019 when shouting that Mädel and I were liars, came along and asked me to paint some strange and alien building under construction, possibly representing ‘Brexit UK’, and left a bucket of paint and paintbrush and then rode off on a moped.
So I dipped the paintbrush in the bucket and proceeded to splash paint over the whole place, making a complete mess of it. Then he returned and said And I pay for this?
This communion ran by the script in which it was sent, and my part in it was as decreed beyond my power. The UK was dead, they had already sent this very person as their official envoy to hurl diabolic abuse, and Mädel and I both knew the UK was cursed, which is what she plainly told me when Boris Johnson was about to enter 10 Downing Street later that same year. It didn’t matter what kind of Brexit they were trying to build, the entire UK institutions were cursed, full stop!
Those people had tried trading off the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk to the bitter end, so there is only one place left for the establishment which pretends to represent a kingdom past, and in the Hun’s vocabulary that is Hell. When they had sent the Demon to shout at Mädel and me that we were liars, they were dead in the water in the middle of the ocean and destined to go one way only: down.
No Credibility
We both deem it impossible that anyone in their right mind could believe the bugs who falsely claim to be able to lock Angela Hun in a prison and torture information out of her.
On her part, Mädel defended herself against them years ago when they were spying on her trying to steal her work while operating on behalf of the Italian founding fathers of the EU and the Norman kingdom of the UK. She was still going to school, but the UK’s Italian godfathers knew about her from when we had been on holiday in Italy. She had asked me to look into it and get the door closed through which they set up their spying operations.
She knows that Angela fled for her life when leaving Sovereign England on the 31st August 2019 on the day the UK died in the sewers, because they wanted to force her to work for their father the Devil.
Like Mädel, Angela does not work for their father.
Obeying Orders
As a good Hun, it’s my duty to obey Alexandra’s orders and get these communion messages out, so in the next publication I will write about the two remaining visitations from the Thug still not mentioned and that occurred after that day when he had burst in shouting satanic abuse by claiming the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk do not exist.
Going by Alexandra, the fact that people may not see the Holy Trinity in any physical form does not mean that the UK’s father Satan is right in claiming that God does not exist. Considering that the Thug was sent by the bugs who were lying and spying, it was the ultimate proof they were trying to steal Angela’s work to then hide it in a coffin and consign the German Child to Hell, because that way they thought they could finally get rid of the English Child too.
What we are talking about is War between Satan and his servants and their swinish ways on one side, and the Holy Trinity on the other.
Here is today’s Party tune.
Hail the German Holy Mother
Mädel and I have both agreed to always remain faithful to the English Mother and to the German Mother. She said that when the UK’s representative came in late 2019 or at some point in 2020 asking me to paint this ridiculous building they were constructing which had to do with their ‘Brexit UK’, and I splashed paint all over the place to leave a mess, I was giving them the apt response to their attempt at asking me to hand over to them her economic recipes.
Freundin has been offered her rightful place in the Wirtschaft and is waiting to get out of prison.
In our next page, The Party will be publishing what the Thug of the UK wanted when he appeared in vision two other times following that day in early 2019 when the Demon was seen going to Hell.
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