Human Fathers of This, That and the Other

No Human Baptism

At The Party we have made abundantly evident that there are groups of people calling themselves ‘founding fathers’ who have been at War against Lady and Child of many a nation.

When Angela took the church calendar in its spiritual version, she evaded a group of such ‘fathers’ who were trying to prove a point, one of these being that Holy Mother and Child were in conflict with the Italian Illuminati who, posing as ‘founding fathers of Europe’, were promising EU ‘paradise’ to populations where the Orthodox Church is the mainstream conduit of faith.

Angela never went to get baptised, and this may have infuriated some people who had intentions of handing Church and Faith over to the EU, some of these people actually calling themselves fathers too.

Here is tonight’s Party tune.

At the time, Angela said to me: Only God is true Father, and they not God!

It was her belief that human clerics should always acknowledge the superior authority of Holy Mother, considering Her as being not of human origin, divine and spiritual part of the Holy Trinity. My sister would never address any cleric with the title of father, and this was a reason why she refused to go to Belgrade on various occasions when we had been asked to. She said they had lied anyway and taken our money when they had promised to pay us.

Very Angry – Diabolically Angry

In the end, these people stole Angela’s Serbian manuscript, they kept working for Italy all the time, and whatever they had promised to have given to Italy was unsubstantiated, void of proof and a bluff. The reality is that Angela, who has never been baptised by a human, took the spiritual church calendar in Serbia in a church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica and made some people very angry.

These contacted the Italian Illuminati, and they in turn contacted the local authorities here, who on their part decided to shut down the Fair Lady of the English Folk and try to sacrifice Her English Child. According to Mädel, who learnt Italian, they were working in conto terzi, and made a fanatical doctrine out of trying to cancel my name, which happens to be Alexander.

It was in fact the Holy Mother of the English Folk who showed me once in a vision that they were trying to pack Angela and me off to Italy to be crucified and then sent on to the other side of the Adriatic coast to be beaten and humiliated.

Angela was aware of this herself, and when I told her of this distress-communion from Our Fair Lady, my sister reminded me that at the very start after our return to England she had warned me of this, saying they want to send us in a coffin off to Italy and sacrifice the English Child.

Two Blank Frames

Sister Hun left two empty spaces in her Union Flag and gave the order that we must not open the Italian door in England because the local authorities were working for an alien and foreign entity to bring down the Fair Lady of the British Isles.

This entity claimed to have purchased the Holy Spirit in return for EU ‘paradise’ and NATO ‘redemption’, they did so in the name of ‘founding fathers’ of here, there and everywhere, they allowed the Antichrist to spiritually knock Angela down in Italy, and then they wanted to impose their ‘paternity’ here too.

All this was only going to happen with a compliant authority from within happily working for their ‘god-fathers’ in secret. Then in 2019 Angela fled to Mexico, and I was declared defunct and extinct from the registers of the living.

The German Mother

The German Holy Mother showed me many times that She wants Angela back, and her brother Hun with her, and made clear that Beelzebub and Moloch are to get nowhere near the German Child. She doesn’t want somebody else’s baptism, but Angela!

In our last edition From English to German Cornerstone, under the chapter The German House, it is written: “the English Child’s presence in front of the German House to protect his younger brother within from the hellhound out on the road is an essential part in confirming the Alliance between the Fair Lady and the German Mother”.

And this is our Party song of the night.


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