Herod’s UK Tries Overthrowing German Holy Mother

Here is a more detailed account of the two restaurant communion events that took place within a few days of each other not many weeks ago.

Herod UK Hates Holy Mother and Child

Continuing along the lines already published at The Party, we will look closer at why the German Holy Mother recognised an existential threat when, in the first restaurant communion some weeks ago, she spoke with Mädel, and then said to me Gehen wir!, making to head east along the road to Germany while pushing a pram with a Child. It was then that Alexandra in the vision came and told the German Mother She has to remain for a while, to then inform me that we need to continue exposing the Antichrist.

When I later enquired of Alexandra the significance of this communion, she explained that the German Lady had seen how Herod had betrayed the Fair Lady, Mother of the English Child, by trying to humiliate Her at the Light Tower Church, and then went and did exactly the same after She had taken up a stand in Folkestone to indicate the accomplished English cornerstone.

Fair Lady and Child at Castle


That which I had been shown in the first restaurant communion, Alexandra said, when she herself in the vision had stood in front of the German Lady’s pram and the Child was taken away, was the sheer truth of the matter, for he was in grave peril of being sacrificed by Herod UK, who for sure would contrive the downfall of German Mother and Child with the same satanic suffocation used to try to eliminate all and every reference to the Holy Mother of the English Child.

English Holy Mother at Cornerstone - Folkestone

They would arrogantly claim that Sovereign England cannot be and tell Germany to trust Herod of the UK, while falsely promising to ‘help’ Germany. Believing they could bug Angela, they would have planned the demise of the German Church to Hell.

The Hun’s Offer

The misunderstanding in this first restaurant vision had been solved a few days later in the second restaurant communion as shown in a previous print – when the German Mother and I were seated in front of the restaurant and She waited till I had finished enjoying a delicious meal that Mädel had prepared, to then rise and proceed east along the road to Aachen, I following Her.

Freundin herself interpreted the misunderstanding of the first communion by suggesting the words she had spoken in the vision, starting with my boyfriend … may have continued with made an offer to the UK … thereby alarming the German Lady, but in actual fact were a declaration of what I had replied to the UK after they had turned Mädel’s offer down in 2017 to work in the name of Sovereign England.

Indeed I recall making at The Party in its previous version an offer of my own – also in 2017, specifying that this alternative proposition was unconditional, had to be accepted in public and the braces of my Wehrmacht uniform would remain in place. The event was to be published on the front pages of the national press the very next day, with the Hun’s recommendation to come back tomorrow and try again.

This offer was meant to dispel any idea that Mädel would ever repeat the one she had just made by cancelling Sovereign England and replacing it with ‘the UK’. It was also a reply to the insults she was publicly receiving from UK agents.

Here is today's Party song.

Further Clarification

Alexandra’s version of what Mädel had said in the vision was somewhat along the same lines, although she insisted that it needed to be put in print in connection to Herod and his people attempting to steal my girlfriend’s work.

The German Holy Mother, according to Alexandra, had later accepted that Mädel was only explaining what her boyfriend’s proposal to the UK had been. It was her way of assuring the German Lady he would never betray the English Child by offering anything to ‘the UK’, hence he would not betray the German Child either who the UK’s Herod sought to eliminate.


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