Let a No Be a No!

Unidentified Person Approaching the Hun

In 2019, an unknown man suddenly appeared in the main street in town and proceeded to walk next to me explaining that Ireland is one island and must become one country. He kept repeating this idea and making reference to islands that cannot be divided into different nations.

Getting involved in a dispute over Ireland was not an option. The idea that the English Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son, cannot be allowed because of its being part of the island of Britain was all too evident. England is not Ireland, I thought, and we parted ways. Furthermore, I had been told by the local council – working for Italy and Whitehall – that I do not even exist as a person and had been cancelled from the list of the living.

Here is today’s Party song.

Neither Angela nor her brother ever received a request to fill in the two empty spaces of her Union Flag, so that all remained in limbo.

And Another Unidentified Person

Not long thereafter, a lady suddenly appeared along another road and accosted me saying that she is English, but that the Scots, the Irish and the Welsh have to follow the English around.

I refused to agree. Angela Hun freed the English Red Saint George around the thin white line and reconstituted its white background.

Then she freed the Scottish Saltire from its dissected status around the English Cross and invited the Scots to accept it on the proper blue background as one, free from shreds and shards.

Angela had left two empty spaces, and it is not for ‘the UK’ to hand over to Ireland and Wales any knowledge on how to fill these in. Stealing her work is not an option, they would trade off Sovereign England for their own kingdom run by a private family of human origins filled with Whitehall’s agendas.

The German Holy Mother

The Hun was also thinking of the German Lady: by claiming to hold Angela Hun and her brother captive they would attempt consigning the German Church to a stone hell under ground if they managed to cancel Angela’s founding work for Sovereign England. First they would have to render destitute the road that leads from here to the Rhine and change the times and the conditions on Angela’s calendar. But this was not going to be an option unless we betrayed England, Scotland and Germany and surrendered to the Antichrist and his kingdom!

Once back in Germany, Schwester Hunnin can get her book on the foundations of the English Church published within time, using friendly and fraternal connections between English Child and German Child.

Saxon Cross

No Foreign Empire

In the Land of the German Mother, die Hunnin will not be working for alien empires, whether the EU, NATO, the Antichrist … but will remain true to her current achievements, whereby she established that Jesus, the Son of God, is the rightful King of the English Folk.

Using her magnifying glass, she will see how this can correspond to the German Folk, always keeping in mind that the Church on the Rhine at the end of a pathway has above it the Full Moon in Heaven.

Westminster’s ‘divorce bill’ that is meant to inflict on Germany perpetual humiliation to the EU, and Winston Churchill too … it’s better they stay away from the German Holy Mother because She does not want them following Her around!

From Her perspective, the Hun was told he does not even exist, Angela left, and the German Lady’s agreement with the Fair Lady is that once Angela’s work is complete for England and Scotland, she is to return to Germany along with brother. She never had an agreement with the UK and will not accept anyone claiming the contrary.

Here is our Party march of the day.


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