The Young German Child Awaits Angela
In the German House
Today The Party is assessing the route taken by the English Child going by all available information. It leads from the Light Tower Church, goes along Folkestone Road and on to Folkestone. Here, the English Holy Mother made known that the Child had reached the cornerstone of his own national Church in England. This came to be in 2020 and had been certified by Angela herself as being the truth coming from the English Mother in Person.
See our edition The English Child and the Right Way.
From England, the Child followed the road to Germany to help the German Child who is waiting in his own house. Once her brother Hun has also followed the road east from England to Germany, then Angela too will be going from Mexico to Germany to carry out her research.
The fact that her brother had been shut out of the Light Tower Church did not prevent him turning around along Folkestone Road with the pram and English Child and making his way to Folkestone instead where the Fair Lady waited.
As we can see, Winston Churchill got Hunned and Herod stood there gaping on finding out that the English Lad was over all the hills and far away! The assumption that the Fair Lady could be held prisoner at the castle once Herod had identified the significance of Her Church there, was a materialistic strategy, but failed to take into account the spiritual aspect and the fact that Folkestone Road also leads in another direction, namely to Folkestone.
See our edition The Train in Priory Station, Dover.
As is always the case, once they had started investigating, the deed was already accomplished and the Child of the Fair Lady had reached Folkestone, where the English Cornerstone was ascertained, and later had moved on to Germany.
Tracing back the move along Folkestone Road, we can see that the Hun had been given instructions to turn the pram round from the direction of the castle to the opposite way, and, as a result, the Child could not be imprisoned within the castle, and the Church there could not become a prison to the Fair Lady.
So when the local authorities dried my accounts out and attempted forcing me to surrender to the UK and Winston Churchill at the castle, the plan was already destined to fail. Divine providence did not have any intention of letting Herod take over.
With Angela gone to Mexico and the English Child to Germany to help his German brother, the horrific conclusion the investigations came to was that the Hun was sitting in prison in England, with Alexandra performing exorcisms and Mädel ready and waiting to go to Germany too. This wasn’t what they had banked on!
Here is today’s Party tune.
And Back to Germany
At The Party we have explained that Angela had come back from Mexico for a week to visit her brother and make sure he understood that her and Alexandra’s offers to Germany needed to be repeated, so as they were originally made in 2018.
This means that the UK attempts in 2017 to shut down Sovereign England when Mädel had made her own offer to work here in the name of the English Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son, failed.
Likewise, their later attempts in 2018 to shut down Germany when Alexandra and Angela had made their offers, have all failed too, for they explicitly aimed at banning and banishing Holy Mother and Child of various nations.
Consequently, ‘the UK’ does not get to calling the shots with Germany, there is absolutely nothing they can offer the Germans: even the English Child has gone to Germany.
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