Going Back Home to Germany

In today’s Party edition, the Hun will try explaining why he felt that Mädel was put in front of an impossible situation and could not remain in England.

No Church for the Hun

In the past, I used to fund the entry to the Light Tower Church at the castle. Mädel was still going to school and I used to go on outings with her. As mentioned, these sometimes included going to the church, which however required an entry payment owing to its location within the castle compound.

English Mother and Child

When, in 2017, she made her offer to work in England, I gave up earning peanuts, for we both imagined she would be making a contract and that this would be inclusive of a payment. Presenting work on state bankruptcy to Whitehall required serious research and would have been attached to an advance invoice.

However, the insulting response they gave her meant I was left with no income, and on top of this, the local council contacted a revenue office to target me with hate mail demanding money of me. Whether Whitehall knew this, I don’t know.

Among the consequences of this unbelievable act, I no longer had the necessary income to fund our outings, and this also meant no more journeys to the Light Tower Church of Our Fair Lady. We both managed to get through the worst thanks to Alexandra’s help.

Here is today’s Party song.

Stop the Hun

On realising I was not welcome and that Freundin was despised, and seeing that no Red Cross parcels were coming my way and assuming these were being held back at the local council cellars, life became more miserable for me, while Anglia bitterly complained how they despised her too and had turned her down.

Putting a man in a position where he cannot even afford to go to the Church at the castle with his girlfriend was an act of humiliation, I deemed it contrary to the Geneva Conventions, and all that remained was to wait for the German Mother to get me back home.

In 2018, Alexandra and sister Hun made their offers to Germany, but the uk authorities at that time interfered and decided to hold the Hun in prison. Schwester Hunnin eventually left for Mexico in 2019 and escaped prison. Being a Hun, she was not considered as anything other than a prisoner, but she wasn’t going to be locked up, and so we agreed that I would hold the prison seat on her behalf and that she would go before they caught up with her.

Mädel’s Future

Being English, Freundin couldn’t just leave, she needed to be offered a secure future, one that includes a work offer in the Wirtschaft. There was no question of me leaving her on her own, and so it came to be that the German Lady offered her this future.

In our last publication The Hun Came From Germany, under the chapter Things Went the Hun’s Way, I wrote: “With Mädel at his side, the Hun doesn’t need manuals, the German Mother came to understand this, and She welcomed her into the fold”.

When I leave for Germany with Freundin, it won’t be without a work contract, for when Angela arrives in Germany too, she cannot be locked out of her research and studies into the German Holy Mother’s Church. The uk powers that were do not have this authority in Germany.

The same principle applies to Alexandra, who, as a doctor, would never advise anyone to work for nothing – it’s bad for the health and equates to slavery. A free person would never become a slave to Animal Farm if they knew they could find a way of avoiding it.

Angela found that way when she left two empty spaces in her Union Flag, because being sister Hun, she was not going to add to the Flag and be flung in a prison because of other people’s resentment towards her. She did it for all of us!

Here is today’s Party tune.


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