Alexandra and the German Mother

The Work Contract

Following our publication from the previous day, Mädel’s Wirtschaft and the German Mother, today The Party is looking at why the German Holy Mother and Alexandra in the communion turned back to the restaurant on account of the German Child, and why Alexandra later made clear to me, by way of her spiritual contact and ability to interpret the communion, that we needed to warn Germany about the Antichrist and his heritage from King Herod.

She explained that it is absolutely essential that Germany sign a binding work contract with her in the Name of the German Holy Mother and Child, for which reason Alexandra gave me a diplomatic bag to meet with the Germans here in England.

For many years, the successor to King Herod has been using a state apparatus to try and cancel each and every reference to the Spiritual Mother of the English Child, because the Antichrist challenges the Throne of Jesus, our Saviour and rightful King of the English Folk.

Cheats and Liars

Being a cheat and a liar, he prevented back in 2018 the Germans from accepting the offers from Angela and Alexandra to work for German Holy Mother and Child, and he is no doubt intent on fooling Germany into believing something that can never happen, namely that he can bug work coming from Angela, who, as we know, fled England to Mexico to escape prison and torment.

Once there are binding contracts with Germany, then the work can commence, and neither the Satanic One nor the Illuminati from Italy will be able to cancel German Mother and Child from all reference and consign the work to a coffin, which is exactly what they have been doing for many years now, starting in a place where a group of people felt they had a need to make Serbia fail.

These people had lied, they did so out of hate against the Serbian Folk, and they did it also in the name of the Illuminati who were promising them entry into the EU and NATO and paying them money in the form of foreign funds.

The kind of Enemy that is at War against the German Mother and Child is a diabolic one, the worst enemy and the one which has every motivation to exchange its own ultimate destiny and try reversing it onto Heavenly Mother and Child.

Holding to Ransom

The people Phosphorus UK-bond works for want to hold Germany to ransom, they want to terrorise, and they intend sending the German nation to oblivion. They have decided Germany must be subdued to the European Union and to NATO and ultimately must be pushed into a devastating war against Russia. This is the fact of the matter.

Alexandra they consider to be their enemy, but because she is an exorcist, they fear her and keep well out of her way. She does not flee from them, and they understand that if she sends the demons that possess them to the bottomless pit, they will remain without the money they receive as paid shills of King Herod.

As for Mädel, they know they cannot get near her as I her Hun already locked them out in the garden to rot at the Faulhaufen.

And Angela my sister escaped them, however not before freeing the English Red Saint George around the thin white line and freeing the Scottish Saltire from its dissected status and leaving a pair of empty spaces underneath for them to brood over in their lying impotence.

The Antichrist’s people followed the one who inherited Herod’s kingdom, but they will not be able to harm Germany any more once a written contract is signed with Alexandra, who told me to put our exorcism research into print here at The Party.

From Serbia to Germany

We need to remember that, in communion shortly after we returned from Valjevo the last time, the Serbian Mother and Angela went to the German Mother in Germany and there they made an agreement. This agreement included Alexandra and Mädel as well.

And because, later, the English Child too went to Germany, as we have seen in previous prints, it is proof that Angela completed her work in England and needs to work for the German Child.

Alexandra opened the Gate of England to the Germans, there is no need to fear the Joker in Westminster, not even if he has kicked off a war and is trying to push Germany into it. In fact, in 2019, when he was acclaimed in 10 Downing Street, Mädel strictly warned me not to let him get anywhere near her work.

She is ready to work for the German Mother, as we have seen.


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