Which Empire for Germany?

Mädel Willkommen

In our last publication Future German Prosperity, at The Party we reiterated the essential truth that Freundin is never going to work for the European Union or for NATO, regardless what Whitehall and the Italian Illuminati decided to the contrary.

The Holy German Mother has welcomed Mädel, offering her that which the UK had decided to take away from Sovereign England, namely her deserved place in the Wirtschaft. In our chapter Non UK Sed Angli of the above article, we know that she will be establishing an alliance between England and Germany on a fair and reciprocal basis. In fact she never renounced England, but owing to her Hun, chose to serve the German Mother as well.

This is indeed what the German Lady showed me in the communion some weeks ago, that Mädel was willing to serve Her at the restaurant. In the conversation that followed the initial greetings during the vision, I only managed to hear the first words My boyfriend … and can only imagine that Freundin went on to say she would never leave England.

This must have led to a misunderstanding, as the German Lady got up to go along the road east while I accompanied her, and then, in the vision, Alexandra came bidding Her to stay. In this communion I spoke with Alexandra, who told me that the Exorcism needs to be somewhat more researched.

Later, after I had explained the communion event to her, Alexandra assured me that her spiritual contact with the German Mother required precisely that which had been shown me in the spiritual vision.

As for Mädel, she interpreted the discussion – so as I had related it to her – as meaning that she would not abandon England, but is certainly prepared to work for the German Lady too.

Mutual Respect

We agreed to present the case so that it corresponds with the events shown to me in the communion: Freundin is English and would work for an alliance between Sovereign England and Germany, she and the Hun maintaining mutual respect for our varying Saxon identities.

This agreement harks back to a day many years ago when, once in a vision, Mädel had come from England and stood at the door of my room. Seeing her, I had said: komm her!, and she came.

Not long after that I returned to England where she awaited me, and subsequently sacrificed my own ambitions in order not to prejudice Mädel’s career. While still going to school, she was working on her own hymn sheet, not for the UK and its client empires, but for the Reign of Jesus, King of Sovereign England.

According to Mädel – who had listened carefully to the description I had given of the vision, what she most probably told the German Mother in the communion is that she is prepared to dedicate her expertise to the German cause, but without reneging on the Reign of Jesus, King of the English, and that Alexandra most likely explained to the German Mother that Her German Child depended on this. Hence the alliance: Sovereign England and Germany.

Here is today’s Party tune.

Matters Concerning German Empire

Providing the one truth remains with regards to the Son of God being the rightful and undisputed Monarch of the English Folk, and considering that his English Kingdom is not subject to the alien empires that the UK had been striving for before it passed away, then it should be clear that Mädel will never consign her work to exactly those empires that the German Mother does not want either.

The EU is a failed empire, and the other horn of the Beast, NATO, does not bring redemption either. National Sovereignty can only come with and through God’s Son, Jesus Our Saviour.

At the time of returning to England, I failed to make a specific work contract as a precondition before leaving my castle in Germany, but since then events have evolved, and Mädel, Alexandra and Angela have all left school some years ago.

When any of us work for Germany, it will be exclusively on the basis of a binding work contract made beforehand. Nothing whatsoever is going to be trafficked over from the ex-UK and its ghouls. Not one jot!


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