Party Spring Summary
Tonight, as spring nears, The Party is giving a summary of events on the theme of being loyal and obedient.
Obeying Orders
Readers at The Party will know that obeying orders is instilled in Hunnish discipline and fundamental in avoiding catastrophic results.
We have seen that Angela gave the order around twelve years ago in England that we must not unlock and open the Italian door here and that we need to fill in the top two spaces of the Union Jack, separating the English Flag around the thin white line, and relieving the Scottish Flag from it dissected status, and that we must not fill in the two blank spaces below.
As we know, I had been given directives from the Serbian Mother to do as my young sister tells me and never question her greater wisdom, as she had taken the spiritual church calendar in Valjevo and later – as I was to find out – would go on to returning to Serbia at Easter by passing from Greece through Bulgaria to Niš, to then proceed directly to Valjevo, which had been our destination when we first set out from London at the very start, thus avoiding a fake state.
Avoid Belgrade!
While we had visited Belgrade of our own accord, on various other occasions Angela told me we must not go there when we were told to, because they had lied to us and were planning obnoxious things. Instead she got down in Valjevo, and I with her.
She told me at the time that they were working for the Italian Illuminati, the ones who were pursuing a political agenda of EU dominion over many nations while claiming the Twelve Stars of the Heavenly Mother. She said: Not can sell Church and Holy Mother and Child to EU and NATO!
Sadly we had been ambushed by a fake state between the sea and the mountains leading to Valjevo, and there they eventually stole Angela’s manuscript in Serbian on the foundations of the Serbian Church. She refused to allow Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, to by usurped by the Italian Illuminati. It wasn’t their country to take over, and my sister was working for the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, who they betrayed.
Going to Germany
Here is tonight’s Party song.
Going by Angela’s church calendar, in 2018 she asked me to make her offer at The Party to work for German Holy Mother and Child. Alexandra then added her own offer to Germany. The Party was shut down by the UK in 2019 after Phosphorus’ attempts at taking over, and the UK was working for the EU Italian Illuminati, the ‘founding fathers of Europe’, all the time in collaboration with the Antichrist. We have looked at this by highlighting the Treason Deal, also known as ‘Divorce Bill’, which Theresa May concocted in collaboration with the EU commissars.
In Autumn 2021, Schwester Hunnin came back from Mexico for a week to stay with us, and she gave me orders to repeat her offer to Germany at The Party - which we had reopened in April 2021 - but not before repeating Alexandra’s offer to work for Germany.
The Road From North Camp to Rheindahlen
A few years after we had returned to England, the German Mother had shown me on a map the road from England to Germany: it did not lead from ‘the UK’, but from England, and it did not lead to ‘the EU’ or to Italy, but to a specific town in Germany.
She does not want Italy and the UK coming along arguing and tripping each other up and imposing their agendas over Germany, not in the name of the Illuminati and the EU and the ‘founding fathers’, nor in the name of the Antichrist of the UK.
Whatever he did in Italy when he fooled the Italians, has nothing to do with Germany, and She takes no responsibility for it. And She does not allow Beelzebub and Moloch to turn up, as they have nothing to do with Angela, or with the German Mother.
Haus und Hof Kommen Mit
On the map which the German Mother had shown me, there were English houses on both ends of the road, in Rheindahlen and in North Camp. As we have seen, the English Child went to Germany to help his younger German spiritual brother, and likewise, the matters concerning the English House are going to Germany too, as Angela worked for Sovereign England, not for the UK. She worked for the Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God and King of the English Folk, not for the Antichrist.
That which the UK did in 2018 against Germany, they will not do ever again!
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