When Whitehall Tried Breaking the Will
Understanding Angela
When Angela went to Mexico, The Party wrote that it was an alliance between the Fair Lady of the English Folk and la Santa Madre Mexicana, and that the result was meant to be Angela getting back to work.
It so happened that the uk-ghouls came along and tried cancelling both Sovereign England and Mexico from Angela’s vocabulary and kicked off with Boris Johnson going around half the world forming alliances left, right and centre in the name of his uk and queen.
The result was that Angela waited, then she came back to England for one week to visit her brother, and she in person asked me to repeat both Alexandra’s offer and her own that had been made to Germany in 2018.
We have explained that Schwester Hunnin is the one who left two empty spaces in her Union Flag, that she never filled them in, and that she will never be locked up in a prison and tortured and secretly forced to hand over to Herod’s people her work.
Breaking which Spirit?
The fact they cannot lay their hands on her is to do with not being able to possess the Holy Spirit she works with. If these people could manage to claim that die Hunnin is a liar and failed, that they broke her will and freedom and forced her instead into working as a prisoner for their Whitehall agendas, then all that my sister did would become a lie. The Fair Lady of the English Folk would become a liar, the Holy Mexican Mother would be a failed liar, and so too the German Mother.
A human band would be taking over, sitting there in Whitehall rapping out orders, and telling Germany they have to remain in the EU and in NATO, and replace the German Lady and Child with the overlordship of Herod.
Therefore, hermana Angela, when she came from Mexico back to England to visit her brother for a week in Autumn 2021, made sure I obeyed her order and this I have done. It is in the interests of the Holy English Mother and Child that Whitehall does not get to replacing Her, and it is in the interests of the German Mother and Child that Germany does not commit the error of believing liars who claim to be able to force the Spirit and dictate what to do and what not, when in reality they are getting nowhere near Angela and her work.
Castle and English Flag |
The Tree and Its Fruit
In our last edition Which Empire for Germany?, under the chapter Mädel Willkommen, it is clear that the German Mother has offered Mädel a post when others offered her only insults and humiliations. She is also waiting for Angela to return from Mexico to Germany, and there is nothing the uk ghouls are going to do to change this truth!
Considering the foul fruits that Westminster bears in the name of Herod, it is simply a question of Germany deciding who to believe, however at The Party we have made sure – with the contribution from Alexandra Exorcist, that when Angela does return to Germany, Whitehall’s spirit will have been broken.
This time Winston Churchill failed, we will have broken their will and spirit to fight on, and cast the Lie into the dustbin of history, and there is nothing they are going to do about it. It is happening real time.
Back then, when we stood at the Rhine in one solid line, we said: Sie kommen hier nicht weiter!
Here is today’s Party tune.
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