German Church Free of Human Chains
In this edition, The Party is detailing how Angela will be working for the German Mother in relation to the Church, free of any human chains.
No Italian Illuminati
In recent prints we have seen that the German Holy Mother had Moloch arrested and condemned to crucifixion, and that Moloch was taken out of prison the very next morning and crucified. This was so as to prevent its master Beelzebub ever turning up again in Germany and trying to bring about the sacrifice of the German Child.
Regardless how much the Illuminati try racing to Germany to trip Angela up bleating their nonsense about how the Church needs to be sacrificed to the EU and its ‘founding fathers’ who claimed the Twelve Stars of the Heavenly Mother, the Germans need to understand that the EU is destined for the dustbin of history.
Attempting to sacrifice the national German Church for anything is a diabolic enterprise. They had a go at it in England, but they cannot be allowed to do it again. The Illuminati will try, and already have tried, convincing Germany that the EU comes first and is more important, that twelve or twenty-five more eastern European states need to enter the organization, that Germany should sacrifice the Holy Child … and yet the German Holy Mother has dealt the satanic Moloch a decisive blow that will suffice to silence the malefic lies of the Illuminati once and for all.
Who Is the Antichrist?
At The Party, we have already answered this question. It is someone trying to replace Jesus, Son of God, as rightful King. This is someone who claims a kingdom – that covers about half the globe – owing to inheritance of human and mortal origin.
The Son of God, to the contrary, is divine, and his Kingdom cannot be replaced with that of the Antichrist nor with the ‘founding fathers’ of the European Union claiming the Twelve Heavenly Stars.
The German Mother has sent the Rainbow from Heaven on two recent occasions to demonstrate Her authority and ability to combat and cancel the adversaries opposing Her German Child’s prosperity.
Here is tonight's Party song.
No Iron Cage for the Hun
Among other things, the Hun cannot be locked up in an iron cage and sent to Italy to a prison cell, regardless what the Antichrist planned, and instead will be following the road that leads from North Camp to Rheindahlen. Angela will then return from Mexico and reach the Rhine and will be able to take up her studies, as she is the one who is chosen and can work with the Child.
She will also be able to get her book published in Germany on the foundations of the English Church, in due course and most likely when she has managed to achieve success in her studies into the origins of the German Church.
In fact we have recently mentioned that there were identical English houses on both ends of the road in Germany and in England. Therefore, that which she could not manage to achieve in England in terms of success, can be done in Germany, which explains why the English Child went to Germany to join up with his younger German spiritual brother.
Haus, Hof und Kind aus England sind willkommen bei der Deutschen Mutter!
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