What the Russian Holy Mother Said
The Russian Spiritual Mother and Her Son after the march west following the afternoon sun.
You Can Stay With Us
In continuation of our last publication The Italians Enter the Gates of England, the Hun will be giving an account of the second communion which the Holy Mother of Russia shared with him, only a few days after Angela had led me to the Russian Church in Liguria.
As The Party has stated in one of our earlier editions in 2021, She appeared in Russian winter dress, and at Her side was the Young Russian, Her Son. I greeted them by extending my hand and shaking hands, the Young Russian smiled at me, and His Mother said to me gently, in English with a Russian accent: You can stay with us!
More on the Russians
There is more to be written on communion with the Russians In High, and The Party has already described how I arrived by train in a vision at Alexandrov, although I had never heard of this name before, including as a locality.
In one such communion that came to me while we were staying in Liguria, I found myself in Rome, and as I walked along some streets, I could see various groups of Russian soldiers sitting at tables in taverns and talking with each other in council: they were very displeased and were discussing an unacceptable situation.
At the time I did not understand, but later it occurred to me that the attitude towards the Russian people in Italy and later in Britain on the part of the established authorities was one of sabotage, non-acceptance and intent of cheating the Russian Holy Mother and Her Son.
This was a very long communion, very descriptive indeed, in which a group of Russian soldiers were guarding a bridge along a river and managed to intercept a group of saboteurs attempting to break through and detonate an explosion somewhere.
Within time, on consulting with Angela on this – and later on in England also with Alexandra, they explained that it was an attempt at getting rid of the Russian Church from all and every equation, and not only, but an attempt at getting rid of every national Church, something the Russians were not going to allow.
This vision, which was set in the night, ended with a loud noise in Rome around dawn as the Italians still slept, and a group of Jewish men looking at me and saying once: Rome!
Alexandra interpreted this as meaning: the Italians did not know the time when they were visited, for they slept through it.
The Antichrist Targeting Angela
Whatever it was the Antichrist did in Italy, and the Italians did by letting him in on a mad, targeted rampage, it was to Italy’s detriment, and moreover, to Russia’s harm.
The Hun maintains his stance that, in 2018, when Alexandra and my sister made their offers to Germany, the UK wanted to lock Angela up in a prison here, bug her, and then pack her brother off to Italy in an iron cage, to be then transferred across the Adriatic Sea to a place where they tried selling the Serbian Mother and sacrificing Her Child, to torment me and inflict Hell upon me, cancelling all and every reference to Holy Mother of any and every nation.
After all, they stole my Red Cross parcels, and then they took my gold bars too!
Angela, however, they could not get, for she got away to Mexico!
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