From Russian Mother to English Mother
A Russian Visit to England
After The Party’s last number, What the Russian Holy Mother Said, in this edition we are presenting a logical sequence that came about after sister and brother returned to England following our last journey to Serbia – and our intermediate stay in Liguria.
Angela had asked me to open a website where we can publish her work as it comes, and on which I could also include prints of my own on various topics. She intended making sure that her work on the foundations of two national Churches, namely the English and the Scottish, was in public domain, for although the Antichrist would give orders to prevent its promotion, he could not manage to cancel it either.
Before we departed from Liguria, in a communion vision I was in a house where we used to live in England, and there the Russian Mother and Her Son came to visit Our Fair Lady of the English Folk. They stayed and talked, while I went out to Priory Station with the Young Russian Man, that is, the Russian Mother’s Son. We talked and he showed me some information regarding future work, description of which, however, will be one day for the future … when there is a work contract up and running with Alexandra.
This vision had been preceded some days earlier by another one where I saw Angela, Alexandra and Mädel standing along Folkestone Road as if to block the traffic, leaving free only the one road just before them, which is the one where the house is situated where we used to live. Clearly, this house is of importance within the context, for it is where several other communion events were set.
Angela Takes Action
Previously, The Party has noted how Angela, shortly after we had come back to England, set out some guidelines to which we were both to adhere. She made clear that we were not to open the door to Italy, whether to do with Church or economics, for we had just been there and she had no contract with Italy to do any work.
My sister knew something about what had happened concerning the Antichrist who I had seen in a vision knocking her over while driving his car and then heading off, and she also knew how to counter his move and whatever it was he had planned.
From the start, Schwester Hunnin also made clear that she is to research the ecclesiastic foundations of the English and the Scots, and that she will not be filling in the two bottom empty spaces of her Union Jack, not least, because the UK could not fill them in either. Whether or not Angela could do so, is a separate issue, but if so, then she would be capable of something the UK kingdom wasn’t capable of.
As her brother, I wonder who has an interest in telling others to throw away the Gold and take two empty spaces in return. That said, Angela always works according to calendar, and she clearly pointed out that on her calendar, after England and Scotland, is Germany.
In all these years in England, Schwester has never presented a page to be published on empty spaces, and as her obedient brother, I have always respected her decisions, which I deem to be of superior wisdom.
Attempt at Cancelling National Churches
According to Alexandra, the Antichrist was trying to present himself as the head of one international faith, one which would exclude the authority of each and every national, sovereign Church and abolish all reference to the Holy Spirit.
She maintains that the Italians were under the influence of the European Union and the mad rush of the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ to incorporate all Europe and the British Isles into one empire claiming the Twelve Stars of Heaven. They no doubt tried their hand at a trade-off between church and human empire, whereby the ‘Church of England’ would have ‘returned’ to the Catholic Church, and all other churches would have been expected to do the same. The ‘head of the church’ would then be none other than the head of the Anglican church … and yes, you guessed it: the ‘head of all faith’.
By God’s Grace
By the Grace of God, my sister Angela found favour with Mother and Child of more than one nation, and she is instructed in matters concerning the Holy Trinity.
The Spirit, she said, not come from deadly man, but from Heaven.
According to Angela, the only superior Authority to the National Church is the Holy Trinity, and the connection between the Ecclesia and Heavenly Zion can never be subdued by, or exchanged with, a human empire or a human being.
She says the Holy Spirit can never be possessed, incarcerated or held to ransom – or sold. At the most one can sell one’s soul, and try selling the souls of others, but the Holy Spirit cannot be traded off.
And this is what ultimately led Angela to flee England for Mexico, because she realised that the UK ghouls were trying to suppress Sovereign England and trade off the Kingdom of Jesus, rightful Sovereign of the English Folk, in return for recognition of the deceased UK.
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