The Ghouls Challenged Sovereign England

Challenging Angela’s Church Calendar

In the spiritual communion at dawn of the 1st September 2019, which came about less than a day after Angela had departed for Mexico and is described in our print El Bolígrafo Mexicano – Many Pens in Mexico, brother Hun was shown that Sovereign England had just come to be, and every aspect of the building was freshly painted and decorated.

Since then, every time the Son of Perdition came to the Hun in a vision demanding that I work for him, he wanted me to paint and decorate that very same building. Each and every time I ignored him, and all his attempts at getting any of the rooms decorated ended in total failure. The reason for this is because the UK ghouls hanging on in limbo cannot undo that which is done, they cannot redo it either, and they cannot change the times written on Angela’s Church calendar. She had completed her work for England, having researched the foundations of the English Church years earlier and made sure her brother made public that Jesus Christ is the rightful King of the English Folk on various websites, including at The Party.

Demonic Attempts at Cancelling the Holy Spirit

The fact the ghouls had The Party shut down on the 1st September 2019 and tried cancelling all that was written there, did not change this. The fact that they tried cancelling all reference to the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk will never undo what has been achieved.

There is nothing the Hun could do, or would ever try undertaking, to undo the spiritual foundation of England and start again so as to cover up the treachery of those who challenged the rightful Reign of Jesus, Son of God.

There is nothing Angela Hun would ever do to cancel that which she has achieved, nor will the Holy Mother of the English Child ever be forced by the sons of perdition to ‘go away, be quiet, and then come back and try again after paying homage to HM Humpty Dumpty’. All demonic attempts at throwing away the work of the Holy Spirit and replacing it with the satanic, could only end in failure.

Jesus the Saviour, Not Satan the Liar

In our last edition The French Stamp in the Hun’s Passport, it becomes clear that the Gendarmes sent by the French Holy Mother had shown me many years earlier, just before returning to England, that I must depart quickly from Sovereign England, at least in mind and soul, because the completed work cannot be undone or replaced. If the ghouls of the UK could succeed in overthrowing the Kingdom of Christ in one land, they would do it again in many lands.

The order given me by Mädel in late summer 2019 not to ever allow Boris Johnson to get anywhere near her or her work, fits exactly into these requirements: they shall not cancel Sovereign England or take away anything from it, and they shall not succeed in their fake proclamations of ‘prosperity’ in a kingdom, the UK, that is no more.

As for Angela, she departed on that very day they tried shutting down The Party, she did it in order to avoid being arrested and locked up in a UK cell to be forced into reneging on the Holy Spirit and working for a satanic entity instead.

It will be clear that everything Boris Johnson has undertaken since the late summer of 2019 after claiming to have entered office, has ended in failure, for he is the prime minister of a fake kingdom, one that challenged Holy Mother and Child, God The Father and Jesus Christ Our Saviour.

They took on Heaven – and they will fail!


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