The German Poppy in Sovereign England

The new era: Germany cannot be co-opted into war against Germany – or against Sovereign England.

English and German Heritage

When Angela departed from the Red Saint George House in England on the 1st September 2019, she left it behind freshly decorated. Sovereign England is not at war against Germany and does not remember any war against the Germans.

In our last publication From Bethlehem to Jerusalem, under the title unconditional friendship, we stated: “needing to get back to Germany and being a good childhood friend of both Mädel and Alexandra (who are both English), Schwester knew their support would be forthcoming”.

And then we went on to make clear: “having gone from the freshly decorated house in Sovereign England to Mexico (in 2019), and refusing to come back unless to Germany, I reckon she placed all her hopes on this unconditional friendship, and it worked”.

The following year, in 2020, the Hun was made aware of a plate put on display to be sold off to commemorate war on Germany. In his heart he knew it was German, and entering the place, freed it from the spider and its cobwebs. He paid the price they had placed on it, and later, on inspection, saw it was indeed German, as the identification marks on the back clearly showed.

Co-opting the German poppy for a purpose contrary to nature for which it was never meant, namely to commemorate war on the German Nation, embittered the Hun, who felt the Geneva Convention had been breached.

After cleaning this plate, he replaced it in its rightful place on the wall over his bed, and Mädel praised him for this.

She said: Sovereign England is not at war against Germany and never was, and the poisonous spider wanted to use a German poppy to commemorate war on the Germans!

Here is today’s Party song.

German Poppy

Out of Spiritual Love

The greatest love the spiritual English Child could have shown for his German spiritual brother awaiting Angela’s return to Germany is that he went there himself to protect his younger brother and wait at his side.

This is how Mädel wants England to be known: even if one national Church – the English – is being depicted as not-existing, in reality it is already defending a sister Church in the Faith. The Spirit that is within – even if Herod claims it is not there – is in truth at work: in our case to help a brother in the Faith, not to seek his demise.

Here is today’s party song.

More English Help

Seeing the situation the German Mother is in, Alexandra has been constantly directing the Exorcism to protect the German Child from the diabolic forces that are threatening him, and she avails herself of her spiritual connections to the German Holy Mother to achieve maximum effect.

According to Alexandra, if other people cannot see the German spiritual Mother, it does not mean She isn’t there. But if they can see the malefic forces at work trying to bring down Her Child, then they will better understand whose side they are on.

The Spirit, she says, may not be visible, and many may claim to have access to it, but it cannot be possessed.

Adding to this she says That which is made manifest in the Holy Spirit should not be hidden away by those serving other gods.

Alexandra is looking forward to going to Germany and is awaiting a work contract once the Germans come to England to sign one. It is her firm rule that there must be a distinction between what is Zion, and what is Babylon.

It was also Alexandra who made clear that the kingdom of Herod is not the Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God, and that Herod tried getting rid of the Child Saviour. She went on to make the comparison between Herod then and Herod now, and the Hun blended in with her knowledge some of his own revealed to him in communion, the details oftentimes being interpreted and explained to him by Alexandra.

The Scottish Child

When The Party in its current version published its editions dedicated to Scotland, this came about just after the Holy Mother of the British Isles had shown me that I must defend the Scottish Child.

At the time, there was talk about Scotland entering the EU again, and brother Hun made it clear that the EU and NATO are the same thing, in fact they are two horns of the same beast. But because the ghouls of the deceased uk were trying to shut down the Holy Mother and replace Her with their Herodian monarchy, and were officially claiming the Hun does not even exist, and adding to that denied that Angela had worked at all for any Holy Child, they were deliberately placing in peril Scotland and salivating over how the Scots ‘worship Humpty Dumpty’.

Personally I don’t believe the Scots would have any respect for Mickey Mouse if they knew the truth about the Fair Lady, but then the people at Whitehall were always working for their own nefarious agendas. And their main agenda is to replace the Son of God with Herod II here, there and everywhere.


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