Prisoner Swap: a Hun for the Irish and the Welsh

The German Holy Mother is prepared to pay more for the Hun’s release!

Am Scheißhaisl

Today I have been deliberating at the latrine, and it occurred to me that, after the 14th May 2022 Party edition A Prisoner Exchange: a Hun for the Irish, I was able to increase the value of the exchange. A Hun, I thought, is worth more than that!

Knowing that the uk policeman worships his queen and would be prepared to sacrifice the Irish for his cult if that means keeping the Hun in prison, I added the Welsh on the scale, hoping to outweigh the policeman and his inane worship.

Here is today’s Party tune.

The Original Offer

In the above-linked article, under the chapter Release of Prisoners, I had stated: “In this article I am looking at the possibility of an exchange of prisoners that would involve me receiving special travel documents from the German Embassy as part of a contract enabling me to go home, and in return my sister Angela, once she will have travelled from Mexico to Germany, doing some research into the Irish frame of her union flag”.

Clearly this was not enough to change the mind of the policeman and his followers whose allegiance goes to one god only: their own. But in the German Holy Mother’s original communion vision, She showed me two white frames, one Irish, the other Welsh. These were hanging in limbo in Germany, and in front of these on a flagpole was the white flag the German Mother wants Angela Hun to give colour to.

Accordingly, after talking again with Alexandra about this, I am following her suggestion and have titled today’s publication to include the Welsh in the prisoner exchange. The Hun would leave prison and in return die Hunnin, after she has returned from Mexico to Germany, would be able to research, at some time in the future and following two separate binding contracts, the foundations of the Irish and the Welsh churches.

Alexandra Is Right

In our 14th April 2022 publication White Spaces in the Union Flag, I gave an account of Alexandra’s view on the two empty frames. Here is a passage from the text:

This morning Alexandra passed by, and so I enquired of her whether the German Mother was showing me that the two empty spaces of Angela’s Union Flag are dead.

Alexandra replied May-be!.

She didn’t seem at all concerned, so I wondered for a moment, and said Then it must be very important for the German Mother that Angela gets back to Germany to work for the German Flag with the German Child so that the Church under the Full Moon can be established by its cornerstone.

Alexandra replied that the German Mother does not have a reason to allow Her Child to be held to ransom, for on Angela’s calendar is written clearly: Germany, and I myself have been shown many times that this is so”.

Alexandra on the Welsh

In our 26th April 2022 page dealing with Winston Churchill and other prisoners held in Germany and titled From Colditz to England, I stated: “At the time I thought it was but a trivial matter that Hook had two complete arms and a pair of hands and I asked Alexandra Did it really matter?, and she replied Yes, it did!

I looked at her with a sheepish grin, but Alexandra, who never gets angry with me, looked back with a smile on her face. She explained they were in the wrong house, as it is English only”.

So yes, as we can see, the Welsh empty frame does matter, at least Alexandra’s opinion overruled my own interpretation, and obviously the German Mother is of that opinion too – after all She showed me two empty frames.

Revision of the Hun’s Presentation

In our above-linked article A Prisoner Exchange: a Hun for the Irish, I wrote something under the chapter The Hun Survived that now needs to be updated. Here is the original text:

The Irish will be aware from other Party prints that I refused to climb up a chimney and be set on fire and that in revenge the UK sent HM Revenues at me demanding impossible sums of money and then left me for dead”.

What I need to add is, the Welsh should be aware that Mr. Hook told me to “knock it out of my head” in early January 2019 as he was present when the Thug attacked. However, I need to tell the Welsh that the same Hook in the vision that came later was unable to do any decorating for the Thug, not only because he was in the wrong house and because he called Angela a liar, but because Angela does not work with the Thug, but with her brother.

This means the uk policeman will have to give up bugging once and for all and clear off, because he won’t be giving any of Angela’s research – should she ever carry it out – to the Welsh!

In our last print The Spirit Cannot Be Sold!, we wrote: “the ‘UK’ sought to barter the Holy Spirit and the Kingdom of Jesus, fooling nations into believing a deceitful lie”.

According to the German Holy Mother and Alexandra, this applies to the Welsh nation too: the uk policeman took everyone for a ride, not just the Italians who he was deliberately misdirecting. And according to the Hun who today deliberated at the latrine, it’s about time someone told the c* where to get down!

In accordance with the latest revision, which is on two empty frames, here is today’s second Party presentation.


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