More on Angela Hun

A low profile will only ever work if the Italian Illuminati and Herod Antichrist are kept away.

No Compromise

Readers at The Party may ask why Herod’s investigators called the Hun a third world foreigner after Mädel made her offer to work in early 2017. She actually is English, and the greatest offence to me was that they insulted Freundin and called her a liar rather than what they called me.

However, being a foreigner explains why I personally lay no personal value on filling in Angela’s union flag, not that I could even if I wanted to – which I don’t.

But of-course the decision on completing the union flag would depend entirely on Angela, and she refused to. She doesn’t work for Herod II, which brings it to a spiritual level. Adding to this, Herod’s henchmen and women denied she ever worked at all and made sure she never received funds to do further studies.

They cannot justify themselves, but we know they always worked for their Italian EU masters – see the ‘divorce bill’. The decisive point is, Angela will never compromise with them or allow them to get away with holding her brother in prison. She knows they want to steal her studies and take any flag out of her hands, and I know that I cannot help them achieve this no matter how many experiments they try out.

Angela’s Interests

As her brother, my duty is to uphold Angela’s interests, and this means exposing the people who went to War against her and sought to lock her up in a prison while serving the Antichrist.

It should be clear that the High City would not lock her up in a prison to work with Holy Mother and Child. Those that would are intent on imprisoning the Mother of any nation and Her Child. This makes them enemies of Mankind, even though they claim to be ‘helping’ other nations, for example by telling other countries they have to be in the EU and in NATO – see the Rotten Plank and the ‘divorce bill’.

These are the same ones who tried infiltrating Satan and Moloch into Germany in 2018 in place of Alexandra and Angela. We can take for granted that HM Revenues was sent against the Hun because Mädel, Alexandra and Angela were getting in the way of Theresa May’s dealings with the EU founding fathers, in fact we’re talking of the year 2018.

When considering Angela’s scope of interest, we can see that she has spiritual contact with Lady In High and Child of various nations, and the idea that the uk of those serving their own master could imprison her and try getting her work is evidently from Satan who they knowingly serve for his agendas.

The Fair Lady

the servants of the Archfiend locked Angela and her brother out of the Fair Lady’s Light Tower church at the end of 2018 in order to protect their dealings with the founding fathers of the EU and impose their ‘divorce bill’ over many nations. In other words they acted also on behalf of foreign powers. This is how low they got: trying to sell the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk to foreign powers.

But, as we know, the English Child later made it to Folkestone instead and to the English Cornerstone, and from there to Germany to his spiritual brother, after which he was taken to a higher House in Heaven where the bugs can never reach him.

Now that we know the spiritual English Child cannot be dragged down in the dung of those who tried imprisoning Angela, we may safely assume that Herod’s followers inherited the dung they sought to inflict on others, and they also kept Beelzebub and a crucified Moloch owing to the Intervention of the German Holy Mother.

The German Spiritual Child

Having remained in the lower house, as was given me in a communion vision to see and testify to, the German Child is waiting for Angela to return home to Germany, and at the point of writing, we can be sure that Herod’s police are intent on preventing this from happening.

What they are offering up as an explanation is hardly going to be believed by anyone – considering how the English spiritual Child evaded their prison. Herod’s investigators always got there later, but never in time to catch him. Then he went to a place where they can never catch up with him, and this should be another indication as to where they are headed in opposition to where he went.

One went to Heaven, and my assumption is that the others go to Hell.

The crucifixion of Moloch in England by order of the German Holy Mother after She had the beast arrested in Germany, is further indication as to whose side the Antichrist’s enablers are on. It certainly isn’t the side of God.

Here is today’s Party tune.

Angela Germanica

In our last print Working With Angela Hun, I wrote: “When out and about, Angela adapts to the customs of the people whenever these are acceptable, wears local costume and gets on with her own business”.

It’s up to Germany to decide when to disbelieve the City’s ‘divorce bill’ which Herod’s investigators sought to protect by excluding sister and brother Huns from the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church. To achieve this, they inflicted financial ruination on us and demanded a change in name. Clearly they wanted to exchange the Fair Lady too and replace Her with the uk of Herod.

One should not believe that God The Father would sacrifice the Church under the Full Moon of Spiritual Jerusalem for the EU of the founding fathers, or for NATO, or for the Second Herod’s uk – or indeed for anything or anyone.

As for Angela, when she arrives in Germany, the Italian Illuminati and Herod’s henchmen and women must not be allowed to trip each other up getting there before her in an attempt at bringing her down.

They did this to each other in Italy and in England, and this is one of the reasons why Mädel and Alexandra, once the contract is signed with Germany, will be going there separately in order to avoid being followed by the above-mentioned and prepare the way for Angela’s safe return.

Freundin and I

Mädel and I have agreed to start a new life in Germany and keep a discreet profile, and I personally will seek to erase all trace of my past when in public – for Angela’s security, and therefore Satan and Moloch must never be allowed to turn up, regardless what the uk wraiths and their Italian godfathers try imposing to the contrary.

They left Italy for the uk and they should either stay in ‘the uk’ or go back to Italy and stay there.

Herod’s people, being mortal, have an expiry date attached to them, after which they will go the way the harvest they reaped will lead them, and this should never be in Angela’s affairs.

Hail The German Holy Mother!


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