While Waiting to Sign a Contract With Germany
Angela Hun will never surrender and be imprisoned, not now nor ever.
The Irish Republic
Today’s edition at The Party is being published to inform the Irish Republic that when the Hun is back home in Germany, the likelihood of Angela ever offering to do research into Irish church origins is not on the table, as she will never undertake such studies unless she has an official contract with the Irish state that does not swear allegiance to the ex-uk.
Considering she will be minding to her own business and living discretely with her brother and blending in as a German, the Irish may never get round to finding either of us. Neither of us will be publicly drawing attention to ourselves in a particular way to reveal our identity, most importantly because doing so would draw the malefic attention of the uk policeman who still thinks he’s somebody, and of his army of agents and trolls.
Angela cannot afford to be knocked down by the Antichrist again and she has no intention of fleeing Germany because of him. Furthermore, she has other plans too concerning future work based in Germany, research that can promote good relations between the German Folk and other countries.
As a result, the best option for the Irish Republic is to contact the Hun while he’s still in England waiting to sign a work contract with the Germans on behalf of Alexandra. An official statement of intent would suffice, one that could be expanded upon at some point in the future in Germany into a contract enabling Angela to carry out studies on the Irish church origins and assuring their promotion in public and in her (Angela Hun's) name once she should complete them.
Forget the ex-uk Policeman
The uk-police knocked me out of English society many years ago while working for Italy and this was the reason I left England and returned to Germany in 2013 and stayed there – a happy man – until Mädel asked me to come back to England. But now she is moving to Germany and what she decides to do concerning Sovereign England is none of my business but hers.
However, as far as the Irish are concerned, in the vision mentioned here recently at The Party, the Irish bus driver was unable to bake a loaf of bread in the English House, and the Demonic One who he wrongly believed to be the master only ever lied to him.
In fact, the uk policeman and Whitehall, who are the ones who sent the Demonic Thug, lied when claiming a Child would join them. They also lied when saying they could replace my sister Angela with themselves: they cannot. She doesn’t work for them but fled to Mexico to avoid being imprisoned and tortured by precisely those people.
Leaving to Rot
If the now defunct uk had been able to bug Angela into presenting work on the Irish church origins, they would have left the Irish Church to rot in Hell and gone slithering out saying they had to torture the next work out of her.
So ultimately, it is up to the Irish Republic to decide if they want to believe Angela, or the Demonic Ones who betrayed the Fair Lady Mother of the British Isles and boasted how they had locked the Hun out of Her Light Tower Church while sleeping in bed with their Italian founding fathers of Europe, or whatever they’re styling themselves as now.
I do not take any responsibility if the Irish State turns down the chance to allow me to forward to Angela Hun a letter of intent that she could safely place in her satchel until such time as she returns to Germany.
In the last Party print, we have explained that once a Child is there, he cannot be left to rot. Better if he wait a more propitious opportunity, and this, as far as it concerns the Irish nation, will depend entirely on the good will of the Irish and the determination to stand up to the uk ghouls and say: No!
Remember that Satan tries to become god, and if the uk policeman had managed to force Angela to apply the colour to the two empty frames of her union flag and which represent Ireland and Wales, Satan would have then left these two national churches to rot in Hell. That is how the uk-policeman and Whitehall operate.
The English and the Scottish
Angela had to care for the English Child and for the Scottish, these were her orders here in England, and that was all. The uk policeman of whom we all know from the divine warning revealed in vision, wanted to make these two rot instead, in particular the English Child.
However, because die Hunnin left two empty frames in her union flag, the Irish and the Welsh can understand that the now dead-uk would have attempted the same for them. So long as the wraiths are still lingering around, Angela is not safe, hence she escaped.
Therefore, believe the Demonic Thug – the one who shouted that the Fair Lady is a liar and that he is the master – at your own peril! But know that Satan cannot and will not ever hand over to anyone Angela’s work on the foundations of any church!
The uk policeman cannot get his hands on a Scroll meant for Angela to study, and he cannot get his hands on Angela’s work coming from such Scroll, for he would consign it to rot in Hell. These people are sheer evil!
Fake Investigations
The uk-policeman’s investigations are nothing other than a fake and a fallacy to try to parasitize on Angela and replace her in return for the silver pieces they receive while swearing allegiance to their god. They are liars full stop!
These people who sent the Demonic Thug in January 2019 cannot and never will give Angela’s work to anyone, she does not work with them and does not work for Satan.
Her research always requires time and travelling, accommodation and shopping and whatever else is connected to expenses. But the uk police sent HM Revenues at me to declare me a liar and a dead person, and then the Diabolic Thug, so Angela left for Mexico.
In one successive vision, the Irish bus driver on his own could not bake the loaf of bread considered as being work from Angela. She works with her brother, not with the Demonic Thug and his bugging devices. She does not work with bugs!
So if the Irish bus driver represents the Irish Republic, then I am the person who should receive an official request from the Irish state to send on to my sister Hun.
In Germany
In our last publication Trying to Fool the German Holy Mother, we wrote: “Readers of Party publications are aware why Angela left Sovereign England for Mexico on the last day of August 2019: because on that day the UK died”.
Unless Angela is back home in Germany, she will never return at all! The uk policeman always betrayed the Fair Lady of the British Isles and misguided the Italians into believing a fake state across the Adriatic Sea. He declared War on the German Holy Mother and on Her Child who my sister wanted to serve in 2018.
There is nothing whatsoever the liar can offer the Irish coming from Angela, who, in the name of his queen, HM Revenues and the Satanic Thug, he called a liar. Whatever he claimed he could give, will never happen, because no Holy Child will ever join him – but Angela my sister.
Hail The German Holy Mother!
Here is today’s party melody.
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