Trying to Sell Holy Mother
No-one can ever sell the Holy Mother of a nation - unless they sold their own people.
Hating Angela
By now readers at The Party have understood that Angela could not carry out research into the origins of the national churches of Ireland and of Wales for various reasons. The most obvious is due to the refusal of the then-uk to allow her to be funded, and this means no travels, no studies, no accommodation and shopping and no pen and paper.
The official uk statement that she never did her work for the foundations of the English Church and of the Scottish and that therefore the English Child does not exist or the Scot either, is predicated upon the denial of the Reign of Jesus Our Saviour.
Working for their own kingdom, the uk authorities knew Angela had been in Serbia and then in Italy, and also that originally she was in Germany but had never worked there. They knew however of her presence in Serbia and Italy and had an agreement to steal her work and cancel her out of all context.
Very influential people hated Angela on account of her having stated that she received the spiritual church calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother and used it to return to Serbia at Easter after always falling through a rotten floorboard on the Adriatic coast opposite Italy – only to fall through it one more time.
Serving Foreign Powers
Another reason why sister Hun has not accomplished the colouring-in of her two empty frames of the union flag is that on her spiritual calendar is written she is to work for the German Holy Mother in Germany after England and Scotland.
There is more: Bletchley Park in its various forms has been trying to take her union flag of the British Isles in agreement with somebody sitting in Belgrade who tried humiliating her while working with the Italian Illuminati.
Knowing they betrayed Serbian Holy Mother and Child – of whom there are respectively only One, and attempted to divide the Serbian People and buy themselves ‘into Europe’ by claiming they had sold the Holy Spirit, they and the Italian Illuminati asked the uk to just steal Angela’s work for the Fair Lady and then hide it away, and under know circumstance allow her name to appear anywhere. In return, they promised to make a binding marriage between the EU and the uk, something which also upholds NATO.
The Irish and the Welsh
Angela was aware of many aspects concerning the uk authorities when she came to England following her presence in Serbia and in Italy, more than I was. Herod’s police and local councils cannot explain to Ireland and Wales why Angela has left two empty frames, but her brother can. It is proof they cannot bug Angela or otherwise force her to hand her work over for them to sit there and ignore it all, like they did with the English and the Scots, and then go back to proclaiming the kingdom they serve.
My sister worked with the Holy Mother of the British Isles, not with their Humpty Dumpty, and she never received one cent from them. She does not work for the EU or for NATO, and will not have a pantaloon sitting in Belgrade cancel out of existence all reference to the Serbian Holy Mother and Child who she was in communion with. Angela will not have reference to her spiritual calendar extinguished, not even by the EU, NATO, the ex-uk or whatever other institution, including any that claims to have power over the Holy Spirit, which, according to her, comes solely from the Holy Trinity in the High City.
In Italy
When she was in Italy where I had rented a villa by the sea, Angela was also in communion with the Russian Holy Mother, and one day she took me on an outing to the Russian Church dedicated to Christ Saviour.
It was shortly after this that the Russian Holy Mother appeared to me in a vision with Her Son, and very soon thereafter in another vision I arrived at Alexandrov in Russia.
It was Angela who explained to me that, as far as the Russian Mother is concerned, my name is Alexander and no-one can ever change this.
Later in England, the uk institutions, as if possessed by demons, were hell-bent on trying to cancel my name, and they made a satanic cult of this, including expelling me and Angela from the Light Tower Church of Our Fair Lady. They said to me If you do not cancel this name, you are not getting back in here!, and to make sure I comply, they demanded an impossible sum of money from me – see HM Revenues and the Satanic Thug. They want to deny the Russian Holy Mother and Her Son as well!
These people knew something from the Italian Illuminati and also they were doing a service to those who had betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother and Child. They were involved in an attempt at cancelling Angela’s name and her communion with Holy Mother and Child of any nation while trying to get their nasty hands on her work and hide it away, reverse-engineered and consigned to a coffin.
Unable to ever explain why they cannot fill in two frames in Angela’s union flag, Bletchley Park in its various forms cowardly hide away.
They also are hell-bent on stating that Angela has never researched the foundations of the English Church and that there never was a Holy English Child. These people promote the kingdom they swear an oath of allegiance to, namely its human head.
Angela pledged allegiance to the Fair Lady and refused to betray Her. This is what the uk of Bletchley park will not tell the Irish and the Welsh. And let’s face it: two or three agents working for a spy-force hardly represent the Welsh and the Irish, do they? They work for Whitehall, and that is where they have agendas of their own.
To the Swamp!
Apart from what Angela told me many times, I personally have been in communion with the Fair Lady of the British Isles who confirmed to me exactly what my sister was telling me: the uk institution had planned to sell Her – the Fair Lady – off to Italy, and to then liquidate Her in a place across the Adriatic Sea opposite Italy. There they would have carried out one last act of vengeance and sent sister and brother Huns upside down into a swamp too.
The local council lying in bed with their Italian bed-masters would have looked on watching it all happen on a screen operated by Bletchley Park, saying It’s all over now!
There were people who felt they had an interest in ‘proving’ that Angela was a liar and never has worked with the Holy Spirit, whether in Belgrade, on the Rotten Plank, in Italy or in the City.
Being a vulnerable person owing to her identity, deporting her to the last known place she had come from – Italy, would have been a job for the uk deportation services, while millions of others set sail and land in England and receive free accommodation.
Only Angela, she never received a penny from them, her travels and studies being funded entirely by her brother, and later by Alexandra once my financial reserves were exhausted.
Here is today’s Party melody.
The German Lady
In 2018, Angela was wanting to move to Germany in accordance with her spiritual calendar, and the uk attempted to replace her with Moloch, a nasty piece of work of theirs they had used in Italy and in England, and also its master Beelzebub.
The German Lady struck back, for those people who were intent on selling the Holy Mother of the British Isles to their bed-partners were not going to try out the same on the Holy Mother of the German Folk. Therefore She had Moloch arrested in Germany, sentenced to crucifixion and consigned in prison in England, and the very next day Moloch was taken out and crucified.
Without any weapons left to fight a war, the uk wraiths are sitting there wondering how to explain that the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag ended up in the possession of the German Holy Mother.
In our last publication Huns Do Not Surrender, we stated: “The essential element needed to bring about sister Hun’s work, which is study, cannot be reached through the absence of a contract and the means to do the work, hence the uk ghouls placed themselves in an impossible situation”.
Having declared Angela’s brother as never having lived and cancelled him out of society, and after making sure that his sister will never have a contract for work so long as either of us are in their presumed jurisdiction, Angela refused to come back. For if she did, they would immediately arrest her and make her disappear.
This is why the German Holy Mother is at War against them, and She will win!
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