The English Mother Never Surrendered

The English Holy Mother protected Her Child from those who sought to sacrifice him.

The English Child Is Safe

When, guided by Herod’s ‘investigators’, the UK establishment tried taking over the Light Tower Church at the Castle in order to gift it to the ones they slept with in Italy and to the fake-state on the other side of the Adriatic Sea, the Holy Mother of the English Folk had years earlier already seen the coming danger and saw to it that I turn the pram with the English Child in the opposite direction along Folkestone Road, therefore no longer proceeding in the direction of the Castle.

At the time She showed me no more concerning this vision, no doubt to prevent Herod’s investigators finding out what Her plan was, for I usually wrote these visions down in writing and they were always listening and looking in. But years later I would arrive in Folkestone and discover the Child had reached the Corner Stone there.

Yes, they knew about the Light Tower Church alright, but not the Cornerstone in Folkestone. Neither did I for that matter, but the Fair Lady did and She kept that secret in order to protect Her Child!

Following his arrival at the Cornerstone, I was shown he had joined his German spiritual brother in Germany and later was carried to the Higher House under the Protection of the Heavenly Father in Person: to a place where no Bugs working for the Antichrist and for others can ever threaten him again.

Avoid the UK Police Commander!!!

The Hun was forewarned that the UK police commander and the police with him under his orders were intent on getting the English Child away from Angela who was to work for the English Holy Mother. It was his duty as her brother to prevent them doing this, for they had falsely claimed: He said he would join us!, referring to the Child.

At the time I didn’t know to what extent they’d attempt dispossessing the Fair Lady of Her Church and Light Tower at the Castle in their plan to replace Her with the monarchy to whom they swear allegiance, but the English Mother, being divine and caring for Her own Child, was fully aware of their diabolic plans and also of the satanic consequences were they to succeed.

In our recent publication The Holy English Child’s Journey, we wrote: “The Holy Mother of the English Child came to me in a vision and was concerned I may have altered anything of Angela’s research on my website concerning the English Church. I assured Her my sister’s work was intact and nothing had been changed, She was satisfied with my answer and went away.

In the same vision immediately following this I found myself walking along Folkestone Road pushing a pram with the English Child inside heading towards the Light Tower Church. Then I turned the pram around along Folkestone Road and proceeded in the opposite direction of the Light Tower Church”.

Catastrophic Crash Along Folkestone Road

In one of our early pages here at The Party, it has been explained how the English Mother in a communion vision drove the car all the way from Valjevo to Dover while I sat in the back seat directly behind Her. Arriving in Folkestone Road, we were confronted by an Italian bus reversing backwards, the driver looking back out of the side-window with a dumb expression on his face.

Suddenly I found myself outside of the car warning him to stop, and shortly thereafter inside the car again in my previous position in the back seat. The bus crashed into the car, all went dark, and immediately then the blue flashing lights of the police appeared – in that instant when it was too late.

Those police deliberately did not warn the Italian bus driver, although they must have been present and observing it all. They only showed up immediately after in sign of diabolic victory, to show that they were there, saw it, and let it happen. Now that it was too late, they showed off their satanic deed and celebrated it.

Avoid the UK Police Trap!

The above vision of the crash had been given me while Angela and I were still in Italy before coming to England, in the period when, in another vision, I saw the UK Antichrist knock her over in Italy while driving his car, for him to then turn around and drive off back to – as he calls it – ‘the UK’.

In our last edition The French Visa Out of England, we wrote: “clearly the Antichrist had done something really big in Italy and the Italians were not going to give up trying to bring down the Fair Lady and Her Child, aided and abetted by the UK establishment and the lying police commander”.

The vision of the pram had been shown me in England some years after the vision of the crash, and about a year after Angela had completed her studies into the foundations of the English Church and also of the Scottish Church.

If we follow the details, the Italian driver was looking back as he reversed, he had a confused expression as if not aware who to believe, and clearly we can see that while I was warning him to stop, the UK police were gleefully telling him to continue reversing. We can understand this because, so soon as the bus impacted the car, the UK police immediately turned on their blue lights right next to the crashed car in sign they were there all the time and let it happen!

It was essential for the Fair Lady to make sure this betrayal be avoided so that the English Child could not be sacrificed.

The Pram

When I was walking in the second of these two visions (the first vision being the crash) along Folkestone Road pushing the pram in which sat the English Child and heading in the direction of the Light Tower Church at the Castle, that stretch of road stopped at a side road. I did not cross over this side road to proceed further along Folkestone Road, but at the curb turned the pram around and went back again in the opposite direction, that is, in the Folkestone direction. Had we proceeded along Folkestone Road towards the Castle and Church, we’d have reached the place where the Italian bus had been as it reversed in the direction of the Castle, and then we’d have reached the spot where the UK police were standing at the site of the car crash.

In Folkestone

It was years after this second communion - the one with the Child in the pram - that Angela told me to go to Folkestone, where I came across the statue of the English Holy Mother indicating the way to the Cornerstone.

From this point on, The Party has explained that the English Child went to Germany to his spiritual brother, and then was carried to the High House in Heaven at the order of the Holy Father, where none can threaten him ever again!


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