The French Visa Out of England

One visa for passing through the prison gate of the ex-UK.

Following the English Child

Tonight we shall look again at the road taken by the English Holy Child who left the Cornerstone at Folkestone to reach Germany where he joined his German spiritual brother in the German house. He was in this same house with his spiritual brother before being taken to a higher House in Heaven while the other Child remained.

At The Party we explained how the French Gendarmes, in a communion set in Calais, placed a visa in my passport and their commander, looking me in the eyes, told me not to stay long in England. The road to Germany leads to Calais in France, from here north to Belgium, and from there east to Aachen in Germany.


In several publications, The Party has mentioned how, in a vision, the UK police commander had claimed in a menacing voice while coming towards me, “He said he would join us”, all the while avoiding eye contact and not even looking at me at all. Clearly they invented this version and there is no doubt the Child never said anything of the sort.

He did not join them, because if he had, his destination wouldn’t have been the higher House in Heaven but a torture chamber, and, after a passage in a coffin to Italy, down a swamp on the other side of the Adriatic Sea. In this regard, we mustn’t forget the Antichrist’s contacts in Italy and the influence he wields there. Where he exercises influence, Angela is not safe, and if she isn’t, neither is a Holy Child.

The German Child

Similarly, his spiritual brother cannot be tracked down by Herod’s police, and this is one reason Angela fled to Mexico – to evade prison and torment, for she will not reveal the German Child to those who seek to silence him off and consign him to Hell.

As Alexandra pointed out, they cannot prevent him coming, but they want to take him once he is there and silence the Child to torment in the name of their Antichrist and the ones they slept in bed with.

There is no doubt about this as the way they operated is exactly along those lines when attempting to deny the English Child ever even existed. Indeed they are the ones who sent the Demonic One. They are also the people who tried infiltrating Beelzebub and Moloch into Germany in 2018 in place of Alexandra and Angela.

Abiding to a hideous form of worship in a human person of mortal origin, they appointed themselves to a position they do not hold and presumed they could bug Angela while claiming that neither she nor her brother even ever lived! Fancy being declared dead and told “You are not alive and never were!”

As already made clear in 2018, die Hunnin will only work on the basis of a binding contract with Germany, this being the only guarantee the Child will not be closed in a UK coffin and confined by Whitehall to Hell.

Sacrificial Offering

We should not underestimate these people: they are under a chain of command that ends at the top with the person they swear an oath of allegiance to. Their commander is out to sacrifice the Child owing to a conflict of interest: the Antichrist and his kingdom against the Son of God and his heavenly Kingdom.

What they do, they will just keep doing again, and again, assuming that if they got away with it once, then twice, and three times … they can fool others with arguments that are nothing other than lies.

All they have achieved is that Angela cannot work because her brother is in prison and has been declared defunct, which is precisely what they tried doing to her too – and then to the Child who they cannot see. Their bottom line is: “The Holy Spirit doesn’t exist because we cannot see it – therefore no-one can”.

These people have their Whitehall agenda, and if they are allowed to be trusted, they will sacrifice the Child once he is there! Anything less than an officially binding contract is a death sentence. And Angela knows that so long as she has not revealed him and his Church, the demonic UK police commander cannot change the Child’s Church into Hell.

A Gift to Their Bed Partners

Then we have their Italian bedfellows: Angela was in Italy, they had their chance, they flung it away, but because the Italian fathers of the European Union had a pact with the UK Antichrist, they felt entitled to come to England to take over after the local council and ‘the investigators’ opened the doors to them and guided Italian agents into positions of maximum sabotage at point-blank range.

In the end, these people openly boasted how they had gifted the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church to their Italian partners while lying in bed with them. Then, in 2018, they tried infiltrating into Germany the same Satan and Moloch they had used in Italy and imported to England.

Is it any wonder the German Holy Mother has launched a spiritual military operation to knock out the prison gate?

Here is tonight’s Party dance.

Avoiding the Italians

In our upcoming edition, The Party will be presenting a page by the title The English Mother Never Surrendered, revealing some important details in relation to Folkestone Road and how the English Child got to the Cornerstone in Folkestone by avoiding the Italians to whom the UK had opened the gates.

Clearly the Antichrist had done something really big in Italy and the Italians were not going to give up trying to bring down the Fair Lady and Her Child, aided and abetted by the UK establishment and the lying police commander!


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