The English Child in Heaven

Where Herod’s Police Have No Power

In our 5th May 2022 publication English and German Victory, it is clearly stated: “today The Party can announce the most final Victory of the English Child who reached the House of The Heavenly Father In High and is protected from Herod’s henchmen and women who can get nowhere near him”.

In our 9th April 2022 print The Hun Serves With His Regiment, we wrote: “talking to someone in a menacing tone about someone else, and avoiding eye contact while claiming something that other person is supposed to have said, does not come across as a truthful statement. Herod also lied when saying he wanted to meet the Child in Bethlehem”.

This Child never joined the UK police, and after leaving from the Cornerstone in Folkestone to join his younger German Spiritual brother, he has been taken to a House In High and is protected by the Heavenly Father.

There are no police investigations that will ever follow him there for the English Child is completely out of their sphere of action. No denial of Jesus, rightful King of the English Folk, and no swearing allegiance to Mickey Mouse will ever change this!

I the Hun had the honour of being part of what happened with the English Child and therefore bear witness to it here at The Party. I also witnessed that the German Child remained in a lower house, and he is the one my sister Angela, currently in Mexico, needs to work with once she returns to Germany and joins up there with her brother.

Spiritual Jerusalem

Our 9th April 2022 publication From Bethlehem to Jerusalem reads: “the English Child left from Folkestone and went to join his younger German brother in the Spirit in Germany, for he is spiritual, as both Angela and I know. It was his own decision who he would join, not the Hun’s”.

With the English Child being associated with spiritual Bethlehem, and the foundations of the English Church having been properly researched by Angela along with the declaration that Jesus, Son of God, is the rightful King of the English Folk, his entry into the higher house in Heaven means his status is safely established and cannot be disputed.

The German Child on his part is associated with Jerusalem, and in the above-linked article we also wrote: “Angela is waiting to return to Germany to work for the Church of the German Mother that is under the Full Moon of Zion.”

This is what my sister made clear in Autumn of 2021 when she came from Mexico to visit us for a week: that she is waiting to continue her work in Germany for the Church that represents spiritual Jerusalem.

Here is tonight’s first Party march.

Wenn Zwei Sich Streiten…

In our last Party publication UK and Italy in Court Because of Angela, the following words ring true: “there was a court case In High that overruled the foolish and evil schemes of those who tried knocking out Angela”.

It won’t be the Italians nor Herod’s police dictating anything about the German spiritual Child or trying to investigate into him, and they won’t be shutting down Angela’s research once she has returned to Germany and her brother too.

With the English Child in a safe place in Heaven out of their reach and Angela waiting in Mexico, and Mädel – who they turned down – waiting to go with Alexandra to Germany, it’s just a case of opening my diplomatic bag once the German representation arrives in England to sign the work contract.

Here is tonight’s second Party march.


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