Mädel and the German Economy

On moving to Germany, Mädel will await to hear from the Germans how to adjust the economy once the EU is dead and gone.

Chosen by the German Holy Mother

Readers at The Party are aware that Freundin has been chosen by the German Holy Mother for the Wirtschaft. Her work will not interfere with that of Alexandra and my sister, for whereas they will be carrying out studies regarding Church and Faith, Mädel will be dealing in economic matters.

Here is tonight’s Party dance.

In our last edition Mädel’s Future Plans, at The Party we wrote: “Mädel never will betray Sovereign England no matter how ‘the UK’ claims to be alive when it isn’t”.

This irrevocable policy means she is never going to accomplish any work where there is the risk it could be leaked to or copied by elements claiming to represent ‘the UK’ – an entity with which she has never had any relationship.

When the EU Is Over

When one day the Germans have decided the time for the European Union has expired and, consequently, have accepted Mädel who was promised to the German Mother when the Serbian Lady and Angela went to Her house shortly after our return from Serbia, that is when she can start working in her Chancellery.

As we know, Mädel chose her Hun, and sometimes I will be with her sorting documents and papers, applying official stamps and doing such errands as she may require of me.

Needless to point out, she will not be presenting a ‘fully costed’ script to anyone on ‘how to mend a bankrupt system’, as such requests could only have come from the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ and the UK who were in bed together figuring out how they could get her knowledge in one all-encompassing manual and then tell her to go get lost while calling her Hun an unwanted foreigner.

It should be obvious that the ‘founding fathers’ from Italy will have no say over Germany when their empire collapses, just as the ‘UK’ in 2018 was not to be allowed any say over the affairs of the German Mother – or of any other Lady In High.


When she moves to Germany, it will be separately with Alexandra once the Hun has a signed contract to go by and has received German travel documents for himself. This way, the Italians will not be able to find out beforehand to which place we are going and cannot get there before us with requests to ‘shut everything down because the Italians are the masters’. We need to shrug these people off, and the only way of doing that is by moving in secrecy.

And seeing that the UK investigators boasted about how they had gifted the Italians the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church inclusive of the Castle by telling the Hun he never even existed in the first place and would receive no funds to do anything or go anywhere ‘because he had never worked’ (sic) and, adding more insult, ‘also refused to climb up a chimney when we told him to’, it shouldn’t be surprising that Anglia does not want these people meddling in her affairs.

She has never had a work agreement with Italy or the ex-UK and has never received funds from them. Being neither their possession nor property, and never having chosen them, Mädel has asked me to make clear from the start that these people have no right to get to Germany before her and set up the infrastructure for their lies and fake claims. She will not be bugged by them and will not hand any manual over to anyone.

Extra Added Value (VAT)

On my part, I wish to make evident the offence I felt at being told by the local council and investigators that I the Hun never lived and that it was a mistake on my part to think otherwise. In fact in Normandy I saw them coming and did my duty as was expected of me. They may not have seen me, but I did my part to make my presence felt.

We were expecting our main army located a mere forty miles further north to come to our aid, but they did not because they had been bluffed by the UK into believing a cardboard fleet would be disembarking hundreds of thousands of soldiers who only existed on paper.

Considering sister Hun and I had meanwhile landed in England, it would have been appropriate to show respect towards me beyond the statement: “You never existed!”. This was a bluff too many: they even tried fooling me into believing I am dead, never lived, never did any work with Angela for the Fair Lady and English Child!

And Some Dividends to Boot

I the Hun had tried showing respect on turning up in England with my sister Angela and never undertook to forsake the Fair Lady of the English Folk and the English Child who Angela was working for.

Herod’s inspectors could at least have shown respect for my uniform when, in 2017, after they covered with abuse English Mädel following her offer in economics, I made them a once-in-a-lifetime offer to honour my Lederhosen.

They turned my offer down and so a year later in 2018 I was expecting to start work in Germany as Alexandra’s adjutant and also with Angela as her brother, for these two had just completed school and wanted to go to Germany for matters relating to research.

I cannot understand why the UK came back and had another go and then flung at me the accusation that I was lying when stating that I am alive. Had it not been for Mädel, I would not have abandoned my castle on the Rhine and come back again after my previous experience here when I was helping Angela and they flung a pot of paint at her portrait of the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church.

Their no in 2017 should have remained a no in 2018 too and not become a rabid attack. All they got back was a no!

Deus Vult, Amen.

Here is our Party melody.

Post Scriptum

If the Italians and their UK bedfellows hated Mädel so much, why did they try spying into her bedroom? She never chose them and I flung them out and shut the door, locked it and Amen! Fact is, she doesn’t want to see their faces turning up again outside her window in Germany!


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