An Irish Representation in England or in Germany

Today The Party is savouring the prospect of an official Irish request for Angela to dedicate herself at some point in the future to the one Irish frame that she left empty in her union flag.

She’s in Mexico

As we know, die Hunnin is waiting in Mexico to travel back home to Germany to meet up with her brother once he and Alexandra have a work contract with Germany. Considering that she will be also publishing her already accomplished work on the English Church in Germany when the time is ripe and won’t be working without prior agreement in any future enterprise, there is no guarantee she’ll ever make an offer of research to the Irish in a future period. Instead she expects one to be presented to her in an official capacity from Ireland.

This means there is nothing that I know of preventing an Irish statement of interest reaching me while I am still in England and waiting to receive a German representation. If such statement arrives at official level, I’ll send the content on to my sister in Mexico to place in her satchel.

From Request to Contract

Once she is settled down in Germany and has started her studies for the German Holy Mother and Child, the Irish application can later be taken up and expanded upon to become a binding contract. For now it would be a request only, but this would be advantageous and understood as official recognition of her person and work qualities.

A request would also be taken as meaning the Irish have no private agreement with the uk bugs who think they can take Angela in vain and lock her up in a prison while the Thug gets paid for it and her brother climbs a chimney to avoid sleeping and dying under a bridge. These people chose their own course and they officially told her brother he would be sleeping under a bridge a long time ago after Angela had completed her work for the English Church.

My Lederhosen!

Opa from Sachsen was born next door in Bavaria. So I officially told the UK establishment they could honour my Lederhosen. We each turned the other’s proposal down and I personally had none other to make. Most importantly, sister Hun works with me not them, hence any contract between the Irish and them concerning Angela’s white Irish frame is null and void and will never lead anywhere: it would simply remain an empty space.

In Germany

However, if the Irish prefer, they can also present their request to Angela after she and I have returned to Germany, which is fine, that is if they are interested because Angela will have plenty of work to do and won’t be unemployed.

The present publication is official at the Ænglisc Rīce Chancellery where Alexandra has her office and should be considered preferential and does not involve any request for advance payment. It will not be repeated at a further juncture nor does it imply an offer for a contract on our part, but solely a proposal for the Irish to make a request for a future work contract with Angela in the Name of the Spiritual Mother of the British Isles.

Make No Mistake ...

All and any idea that Angela’s work would be accomplished outside of an agreement and secretly trafficked over by the Thug-uk should be immediately consigned to the trash bin for it will never materialise.

According to Alexandra, the Thug fooled the Irish bus driver and he fooled the Welshman because he does not work with Angela and also because the English House is not the Irish or the Welsh house, just as it isn’t the Scottish one. He never accomplished any work carried out by Angela and is not the person who commissions it, instead he is a liar who tried stealing grain that is from her sack and a parasite working for the person Herod’s servants swore allegiance to.

To Remember

While Angela Hun and her brother used to live in Germany, Mädel is English as too her friend Alexandra, and she’ll be moving with me to Germany. She was turned down and insulted by the people the Thug worked for and this is all the more an indication as to why the Irish should never assume the above-mentioned Demonic One and those who sent him could ever possess Angela’s achievements and pass them on under a table. In this respect it doesn’t matter who they swore allegiance to or what false promises they made to whomsoever: it simply won’t ever come to fruition.

The next Party publication is Complementary Explanation for the Irish.

Here is today’s Party song.


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