The Holy German Child
Alexandra said: “The German Child must be saved from Herod Antichrist!”
Evading Herod Antichrist
It was a new day in England, and Herod’s servants were still denying that Jesus, Son of God, is the rightful King of the English Folk.
In 2018, Angela had wanted to move to Germany to carry out studies into the One German Church, and with her Alexandra too was ready to travel. Brother Hun would have had plenty of work while being employed in their services.
Following the Demonic Attack in January 2019 demanding worship to the Antichrist, the next step to take on Angela’s part was to flee Sovereign England to prevent the Second Herod’s police from imprisoning her and trying to force her to reveal to them the road to the German Child.
Next They’ll Come for the German Mother!
In yesterday’s Party publication The Holy English Child’s Journey, we stated “they wanted to deny the English Holy Child ever existed and called up the Demon to launch an attack”.
Loyal only to the master to whom they swear allegiance, these people denied my sister Angela ever worked in England for the English Holy Child, not least because in their investigations they never saw him and so they called her a liar.
After attempting to cancel out of existence the foundations of the English Church Angela worked for through a policy called “you do not exist and are a liar”, they clearly sought to apply the same strategy to the German Holy Mother and Child. Angela and her brother were both declared outlaws and deemed null and void, as of people who never were, and so we gathered they were serious and meant it.
Now, I said to my sister, they have declared us deceased out of hate against the Holy Trinity: yesterday the Fair Lady, today the German Lady.
At Alexandra’s House
In August 2019, my sister and I went to visit Alexandra. While I sat in an armchair in her living room reading pages of a tome from her bookshelf, she sat opposite Angela at table and explained: The Devil cannot prevent the Child coming, but once delivered, he will try to take him! You cannot allow the satanic ones to imprison you, they want to get to the German Child and so you must flee!
They agreed on Mexico, Alexandra gave her funds and on the last day of that same month, Angela left Sovereign England for Mexico.
That same night in a vision, I followed her there in the spirit, and the Mexican Army In High turned out to fight the demonic UK that was in pursuit. The Mexican Holy Mother declared the UK kingdom is dead and that I have a valid French visa – the one that was given me in a communion by the Gendarmes in Calais when the commander told me not to stay long in England.
The Background
Lying in bed with the Italian Illuminati and ‘founding fathers of Europe’, the UK agents had already decided they were going to do the bidding of their Italian bed-masters, which was to promote the EU among even more European nations.
They had already decided they were going to spread NATO around using a fake state across the Adriatic Sea as an operating base where they had claimed to have sold the Serbian Holy Mother and Child. These people were furious at Angela who they sought to replace with fictional claims to the Holy Spirit – which they believed to have sold in order to enter Europe.
On their part, the Italian Illuminati had promised to uphold the UK kingdom and exchange the Fair Lady of the British Isles with the Tanner’s descendant.
As for the Hun, I was out to bring down Winston Churchill as a logical conclusion to his invasion of Normandy – for the war was not over yet! He had cheated and bluffed his way into Europe – in Italy as later in Normandy, causing entire fleets, air squadrons and divisions to be sent to the wrong place. In our case, the whole coastal army just up the road was kept locked down by way of a bluff when we desperately needed them!
Against All Odds
Angela was up against all the odds but knew she could rely on her brother, and so her combined strategy – as she had explained to me in Liguria – was to prove Winston Churchill had made use of a fake fleet and a paper army to invade Europe while at the same time demonstrating that this fake force was also being used by the Antichrist to fool the descendants of Adam and Eve in an attempt at bringing down Mother and Child In High of any nation.
Angela herself had been knocked down by the Second Herod in Italy and knew what she was up against. The Italian state had opened up to them, and later, these same UK people opened up to the Italian Illuminati in England as they lay in bed together.
An Alliance In High
The English Holy Mother made an alliance with la Santa Madre Mexicana to avoid being cancelled out of existence by the UK and the Second Herod, but the UK leftovers again went and tried to shut Her down in the name of their queen and kingdom dedicated to the Antichrist.
Then Angela returned for a week from Mexico in Autumn 2021 and informed me to get her offer to Germany back up at The Party, exactly as it had been in 2018. This came about just after I had repeated Alexandra’s offer to Germany – again as it was in 2018. Ever since, the UK wraiths have been repeating their same sick nonsense that if the Germans waited long enough, the Hun would worship their queen and surrender for a batch of five pound notes and the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ would ‘save Europe’.
But then Alexandra decided to carry out the Exorcism, and in doing so she was helped by the German Holy Mother.
Here is today’s Party dance.
At War Against the Son of God
If the Antichrist could succeed in cancelling the work of Angela in England and replace the Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son, with that of himself, then Satan would be able to repeat the same against every nation.
This is why Angela will be publishing her book on the foundations of the English Church in Germany in due course once she has a work contract and has also accomplished her work for the German Mother and the Church under the Full Moon of Heaven.
It is also the reason why the German Spiritual Mother has offered to help the Irish and the Welsh after Angela is home in Germany, as the two empty frames of die Hunnin’s union flag were last seen hanging in limbo in Her presence in Her own Land.
This would be in the context of the Alliance between the Fair Lady and the German Lady.
The Terms of Alliance
Regardless what the satanic ones claim, we must remember that the Serbian Holy mother, who was betrayed, in a vision went to Germany with Angela shortly after our last return from Serbia, as made clear on Party space, and that She also made an Alliance with the Russian Holy Mother – again as presented at The Party.
The only alternative is the Second Herod UK that sent the Demonic Thug and is trying to replace the Kingdom of the Saviour, who is the Son of God, with his cheating and lying bluff.
In order to get to the German Child of the Full Moon Church of Spiritual Jerusalem, these agents needed to imprison and bug Angela Hunnin, but she escaped to the sanctuary of the Mexican Holy Mother. I took her place in prison.
And they are demanding that someone who confronted them in Normandy convert to their queen-worship in return for payment. It was a matter of preferring prison over Thirty Silver Shillings.
Only, Angela cannot do any further work until the Germans have decided to come to England to meet the Hun and sign a binding work contract on behalf of Alexandra – the one who directed the Exorcism.
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