Take This in Memory of the Huns

Tonight’s Party post is dedicated to the last evening Angela and her brother spent in England before she departed for Mexico on 31st August 2019.

They’re Not Our Problem

Angela had been ignored by the UK servants of Mickey Mouse, but we had both noticed that for years, people were striding up in public making hints about the Welsh and the Irish. Angela said: They not English!

There was never a work contract with Angela and me to ever do any work for the Welsh or the Irish, or the Italians, or anyone else for that matter. However, before leaving England, she also left two empty spaces in her union flag with the message: take these two empty spaces in memory of Angela Hun and her brother.

Then she left for Mexico, but not before cutting away the bits and pieces and the pikes and the jagged ends from around the English Red Saint George along the thin white line.

The German Mother too knows about these two empty spaces, however She did not consider them worth mentioning as they are neither English nor German – the English spiritual Child, as we know, went to Germany. She only showed me them as two blank frames hanging in limbo in the background and instead was interested in the frame on the flagpole that was closer to us, and which also was white. This is why She needs Angela back in Germany because this flag must be filled in with colour.

HM Revenues

About eleven months before my sister departed for Mexico, I had received a letter from HM revenues. Assuming it was a mistake, I phoned them to ask if they had been on crack heroin. They checked the address and replied it was no mistake and that I would need to fill in all the information required for the dates indicated, adding that they already knew full well what I was doing on those days and were ready with a massive fine.

I could have asked them what the hell the bugs were I discovered in Mädel’s bedroom, but chose not to at that moment.

Some time lapsed in which I poured some Wehrmacht Schnapps in a mug and lit a cigar. Then I calmly started to explain: This is a mistake. My sister and her friend are both expecting to hear from Germany for a work contract, I too will be employed along with them, and it so happens I do not have anything here with me in England to declare. So in other words I owe you just no explanation at all as to what I did on those days which relate to dates later than the time they made their offers of work to Germany.

In fact I threw away the sheet of paper they demanded I fill in, but they still managed to send me another letter claiming I owed them money and that I would never again find work ‘in the UK’. They wanted me dead and treated me as such thereafter.

To Hell with that, I thought!

Here is tonight’s party dance.

Why a Contract With Germany?

Once the Germans have sent a representation to England to meet the Hun and sign a binding contract with Alexandra, on behalf of whom I carry a diplomatic bag, and the relevant gold bars in advance payment are there, everything will be legally binding.

This means I will not be required to climb ladders to get into chimneys and risk falling down and breaking my neck or other such insult. Indeed the last time they asked me to do that, in 2017, I told them to rot! They didn’t believe me but I was dead serious.

The Hun can be seen doing a round most days, but not every day. Sometimes he wears a Wehrmacht uniform, in particular if there is a remembrance or when poppies are worn, in which case he wears an Iron Cross too.

When the Germans see it fit to meet the Hun in the street to sign the contract as presented here at The Party, the sooner Angela can be informed and start preparing her return from Mexico to Germany. Alexandra and Mädel in the meantime will depart from England for Germany using their own documents, while I will go to the German Embassy to receive special travel arrangements considering my circumstances, and this must be included in the contract.

All Alexandra would require first is to count the gold bars and ascertain that the weight is sufficient as she needs to pay me outstanding wages.

One last word needs to be clear as Alpine spring water: the Hun is never, ever going to surrender to the Irish or to the Welsh, not now, nor ever, not in this world nor in the next.

At Normandy we did not surrender, and when we withdrew to the Rhine we formed a solid wall and promised: Winston Churchill is not coming through! The German Mother knows this, and those people are not getting past Her!

They can take the Hun’s word of honour on this.


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