Complementary Explanation for the Irish
The Fair Lady of the British Isles is not exchangeable with anything the ‘UK’ had to offer.
Holy Mother and Child
In this additional publication to the Irish, some information is being included to complete the content of The Party’s last edition titled An Irish Representation in England or in Germany. If a positive official letter ever reaches the attention of Angela from Ireland, her future work in this respect would concern the Fair Lady of the British Isles, the same One who is the Spiritual Mother of the English Child and of the Scottish Child.
No Betrayal
She cannot be exchanged with the former UK’s queen or with any aspiring people from that family nor can She be sold to the Italian Illuminati who present themselves as the founding fathers of Europe.
The Holy Mother of a nation cannot be replaced with NATO either, and so the Irish may have to decide on whose side they are on, because there are determined people out there in Whitehall with their own agendas.
Suffice it to say the Hun was in Normandy and later crossed over with his sister to fight Winston Churchill in England, was wrongly declared dead by the UK and is here to tell the tales of how the UK died.
In Hell
When the UK sent the Demonic Thug on the attack, I said Satan be gone!, and he went to Hell. He later tried coming back but failed, for one only goes once to Hell. Next to me was sitting Mädel, the one who they had insulted in public after she had made a work offer almost two years earlier – and which she never repeated again. Being loyal to the Fair Lady, she had wanted to direct the orderly dissolution of Whitehall’s kingdom, but in their arrogance they had claimed that the Kingdom of Jesus Son of God cannot come and replace their kingdom of the Tanner’s son.
No Price Can Replace the Holy Trinity
There is no price that can replace Holy Mother and Child of a nation, and no matter what Whitehall and Westminster claimed to the contrary, the UK’s time expired, and so it went on the last day of August 2019. Angela had worked with the English Child and accomplished her research on the foundations of the English Church, and it bothered me not what the Thug offered seven months earlier when he had promised that the HM Revenues sentence that had arrived a month or so beforehand would be cancelled and I would receive regular five-pound-note payments if I went with him to the local council.
Until that day I had never surrendered to their queen, so I wasn’t going to do so now either, not even if there was no longer a chance for me to work here as HM Revenues would have taken the money they claimed I owed them – a sum I could not have paid. However, they had promised to revoke the sentence if only I worshipped their queen and pay me money, but, alas, I refused! There is nothing that can replace the spiritual Mother and the Holy Child of a nation, and selling our soul was not an option for Freundin and myself.
Angela Cannot be Replaced
Regardless what anyone might have told the Irish otherwise, sister Hun and I started our journey to Serbia in London, we went to Valjevo where she took the spiritual church calendar and worked with the Serbian Mother and Child. She never received anything from a rotten plank by the sea that betrayed Holy Mother and Child in an attempt at becoming a separate state and a separate people trying to enter the EU.
Similarly, Angela cannot be locked up and bugged by the ‘UK’ with whom she never had a contract. She is irreplaceable and no-one else can do the work for the Irish empty frame that she left. So if anyone from a rotten floorboard claimed to have given something, it should be regarded as worthless and indeed as a trapdoor founded upon a lie and to be avoided.
Whatever the Antichrist agreed in Italy while Angela was there is something the Italians cannot place at someone else’s doorstep. It was between Italy and the Antichrist, not between either of these and Angela, who instead was knocked down. The UK is dead and no Holy Child ever joined Herod’s police, for Angela is the person they trust.
Here is our Party melody.
No Contract
Sister Hun has never made a contract with the former UK monarchy, the Thug, Herod’s servants or any other entity of human origin, and she avoided like the plague going to Belgrade when they tried a dirty one out on her.
Should she decide to apply her research into the empty frame of the Irish quarter in her union flag, it will be only following an official agreement between the Irish on one part and herself and her brother on the other.
Anyone claiming paternity over Angela other than the Holy Father is a liar.
An Irish request for a future agreement is welcome and obviously will not replace her existing agreement with the German Holy Mother and Child, reason for which I am waiting for the Germans to turn up in England to sign a contract with Alexandra.
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